my journey to becoming a runner

Monday, August 24, 2009


I had great intentions of eating healthy all weekend and working out tons, and then I woke up Friday with a cold. The cold did not get any better all weekend. And being sick makes me not want to work out and only want to eat comfort food: like McDonald's, cookies and chocolate. I woke up feeling slightly better this morning so I went to work (like I really had a choice) and made it through the day. However, when it came time to go to Kickboxing tonight I knew that I wouldn't be able to make it. So I took a nap in my car for that hour, so I could make it to BodyPower. I had saved up enough energy to make it through that class while keeping my weights high. But it was a lot more difficult than normal. As soon as I am feeling better I am going to attempt going up to a large during the warm up. If I can add just a little weight to that, I might be able to build all those muscles a little faster. I ate fairly healthy today, making sure that I understood that I could not eat Macaroni and Cheese, and perhaps I would feel better if I just ate some real nutrients. I just want to feel better. It's a catch-22 because if I felt better I could eat better and workout more, and if I ate better and worked out more I would probably not feel so crappy.

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