my journey to becoming a runner

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Nike Plus

So Curtis got me the Nike Plus chip for my birthday. This is a device that goes in my Nike shoes and calculates how fast I am running and how far I actually go. It's pretty cool! I really like going home after my work out and logging my run online. Every day I try to run a little faster or a little longer. For even more motivation I joined a beginners ladies "Challenge". I am competing against 59 people to see who can run the most miles in the next 60 days. This challenge began the first Sunday that I was on vacation (January 20th). I figured that was okay, how far behind can I get in a week? Well then, I came home and was sick... so now I am starting almost two weeks behind. Generally that is just the kind of competitiveness I need to get up and moving. But, the leading woman is at 65 miles. I am at 6! That is 59 miles I need to make up, while she continues to run-wild! I am in 39th place right now. Maybe my goal should be to come in within the top ten! (Number 10 is only at 29 miles -- only 23 ahead of me.) One problem: I am so addicted (or intent) on getting running (or walking) miles in, that I am not giving myself a chance to do other workouts. I see using the stair-climber as a waste of precious work out time. Perhaps when I get back to working out more than a half-an-hour I will spend half of it on the treadmill and half of it doing other work.

Tomorrow I begin my 17 week countdown to summer. I will give a weekly update on my weight loss (or gain). If I want to eat 1200 calories (which I really do) I would have to work out 7 hours per week. That's not unfathomable -- but it's going to be difficult.


Jen said...

Here is my advice: always try to fit in at least one other workout during the week that is not running related. I know it's hard, but those other muscles need to be worked so that you don't injure yourself running. Plus, it should help you be a better runner. Once you are signed up for a race, and a few weeks before running it should you only focus on running. And keep up the body pump, that helps everything as well! Keep it up!

Jen said...

Oh, and I had one of my best runs the day after body pump and very sore thighs. I think it gets all the blood flowing to those muscles that helps ease the pain. I could be wrong though.....