my journey to becoming a runner

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A New Plan

I have a new idea concerning training for this 5k at the end of March. Two days a week I am going to work on distance. I am currently capable of running one 12-minute mile; so I am going to start there and build up to 3.25 miles, by increasing .25 each running session. (Is that too much? Some running books advise to only increase 10% each week. But is that only for beginning runners?) Then, one day per week I am going to work on speed. I will do segments of 5 minutes running / 5 minutes walking at an 11 minute-mile pace. I figure this training schedule will allow me to build up my speed without sacraficing my endurance (which seems to be what's happened currently). What do you guys think?

So today I ran 1.5 miles. It was hard, but I powered through. I was running in perfect conditions. It wasn't too busy, and therefore, not too humid. I was able to hit the gym at about 4:30, so my lunch had digested, but I wasn't running on empty. After the running (18 minutes) and a little bit of hill walking, I rode the bikes for 30 minutes. It was a good change. Tomorrow I will try my 5/5 plan.

Tonight for dinner Jennifer and I made some delicious BBQ Turkey Burgers. They were very low-cal and yummy. I have grown to love ground turkey in the last year. I always use it when I make pasta sauce or when I am making chili. But I had never tried it (at home) as a plain meat -- meaning without sauces covering it up. You can find the recipe at cooking light. I'm ready for my weigh-in tomorrow morning. This has been a perfect week.

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