my journey to becoming a runner

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Back to Intervals

Generally I allow myself to take Tuesdays off from working out since I work eleven hour days. But since I am trying to increase my workout time each week I made myself go to the gym. Besides, I didn't have anything else planned, and if I allowed myself to think up a social activity it would have involved Tuesday-night Margaritas and Mazatlan! But enough unhealthy talk. Instead I drug (dragged?) my behind to the gym to watch the last hour of The Biggest Loser. It inspires me to workout harder. I decided that I needed to get back to running intervals if I was ever going to speed up my running routine. Even though I have nothing to train for I am wanting to run three times a week. At least once with Brandy, once as intervals and one long run by myself. So I did ten walk/run intervals for twenty minutes. I kept it up at 6.0 the entire run-time which is a difficult speed for me to maintain, but one I would love to be able to do for 30 minutes one day.

Then I came home and had some chocolate fondue.

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