my journey to becoming a runner

Saturday, June 28, 2008

3 Pumps 2 Combats

As I mentioned I spent the evening in Omaha with my friend Jen. Besides the near death experience I had getting there, the hurricane-style winds and torrential downpours, and the lack of power we had all night, we had a fun time. Even the lack of power was kind of fun. We played cards by candle-light! We weren't even sure the gym had power this morning, so we drove to the other location. Wouldn't it be nice to have two gyms that you could go to in the same town. It would be extra nice if they had different schedules and you could pick the class and location that fits your needs. Fortunately for us, the south gym had the same Combat/Pump combo which we were planning on. Combat/Pump is definitely more difficult than Pump/Combat. The most difficult part being that you are dripping with sweat after Combat and that makes it hard to hold on to the bar. And because you are holding onto the bar, it is difficult to wipe the sweat from your forehead before it drips into your eye.

It's been a great week workout wise. I have gotten my three Pumps in for the week. And for the first time (in history) I have attended two Combats in one week. I am hopeful that I will be able to go twice next week too (with the Fourth of July holiday). I am probably burning more calories this week than ever before. That's a good thing with the amount of food I have been eating. Last night Jen re-introduced me to TCBY. I haven't had that for at least 15 years. It's good. And if what I researched online it true, the small up we enjoyed had about 200 calories and 7 grams of fiber! It's a health food! Thanks for showing me a great time Jen!


Jen said...

Way to look up the nutritional info on the frozen yogurt. I tend not to look those things up now because sometimes I want something so bad I know I will feel ultra guilty if I eat it knowing how bad it is for me. But now I don't have to ever feel guilty about TCBY! And it really is just as yummy as going to any other ice cream place (in my opinion anyway...). Thanks for coming and putting up with our huge storm!

Anonymous said...

damn! 7 grams of fiber in ice cream!!! What flavor was that, or was it just like an average or something? Anyway, I'm glad you made it there and back safely through the torrential winds and rain. Next bike ride to get ice cream will be TCBY - 66th and O is the only one I know about, at least it's close enough to bike to.