Well, I have expected a bad weigh-in all week. I have explained my lack of will power when it came to eating. Or maybe not a lack of will power, just a lack of wanting to eat healthy. I haven't been writing down what I am eating, and in turn have eaten more since I don't have to write it down. I gained 3.5 pounds since last Thursday. I now have 16 pounds to lose. Unless I have a big loss a couple of weeks in a row I won't be able to be done by my high school reunion. But as I mentioned yesterday. Maybe I shouldn't worry too much about it during the summer and get back to it this fall. Maybe I just needed a week off and now I can get back on track. We'll see.
I intend to take today off from working out. I have a three day weekend starting tomorrow. I really deserve it; I have been working really hard and need to get away from that place. I plan on attending the 6am
BodyPump tomorrow morning. I don't mind doing that when I know I can take a nap. Then Friday evening I am going to Omaha to hang out with Jen. On Saturday morning we are going to do the Pump/Combat classes at her gym. I am a little scared, but mostly excited. I am eager to have different teachers and different things to work on. And to take the classes with Jen.
Thanks for the nod at the end of that, makes me feel loved. I just look forward to have someone to roll my eyes at when someone is doing something funny...
I'm such a sucky workour buddy that you have to travel to other cities to get a good workout. At least Jen is pretty close by, besides she's buff and I'm not, so she'll probably be a big inspiration, unlike me.
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