I woke up this morning very sore and stiff. It must have been the three laps I tried to swim in the pool yesterday. Both my upper back and lower back were in a lot of pain. Not sharp shooting pain, just very tight sore muscle pain. Who knew five minutes of swimming could turn me into an invalid. I considered calling in sick, seeing as I could hardly turn my neck or lift my hands above my head. But alas, I pulled myself together (with the help of three extra strength
Tylenol) and made it to work. There I had a horrible day -- two other people, who could probably turn their heads just fine, called in sick instead. So I had to work twice, perhaps three times as hard as normal. It was super busy and most of the day I was angry and resentful. I wasn't sure if I should go to combat because of my back. But like I said, it wasn't a shooting pain, just a sore muscle. And the
Tylenol was helping quite a bit. So I went. And this was the first time that all my
aggression just melted away. I
was able to take my hostility out while I kicked the fake person's ass. And I think it helped my back. They say using the muscles usually makes them hurt less. Hopefully nothing is worse tomorrow.
Unfortunately before I was able to melt all the stress away, I had to take a break at work in the same room as a box of free pizza. I helped myself. I don't even love pizza. And it was supreme, which I hate and have to pick a lot of stuff off of. But I ate it anyway. Even while I was doing it, I knew I was eating to beat the anxiety of hating my job. Luckily it filled me up enough that I could eat a small dinner when I got home from Combat.
Way to use your workout to work out the aggression. I bet you even burned more calories because you were into it more than usual. See, if you just let things piss you off a little more in life you can burn more calories! (okay, maybe not my best advice!).
when I read your title, I wasn't sure if you wanted to quit your job or quit body combat - but it all makes sense now. they should try to sell cobat as therapy for frustrated people.
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