my journey to becoming a runner

Monday, June 16, 2008

I Love Life

Life cereal that is. It has become my dinner of choice the last week. For once, in as long as I can remember, I have drunk the entire 1/2 gallon of milk before it expired. Of course I am not eating any vegetables for dinner and that can't be good. But cereal just makes me so happy. It's filling and takes like 7 seconds to prepare. And with the stressed-out, exhausted state I have been in the last couple of weeks, that is precisely what I need.

I went to my dad's house for two days this weekend. It feels more like a week. And I probably ate enough calories there to fill up an entire seven days. I thought of myself on vacation for those two days and ate whatever I wanted: cream soups, fries, sandwiches with cheese, chocolate covered peanuts, movie popcorn, chips and dip, cookies, ranch dressing. Wow! I even had a slight stomach-ache on Saturday night from all the crap food in my system. His house also makes me tired and non-energetic. Even playing with his dog involves me sitting and the dog running around. Not to mention the magnitude of second-hand smoke I inhale while I am there.

Besides the extra calories and lack of movement, I didn't have too bad of week. I went to BodyPump on Saturday morning before I headed out of town. So I got all three sessions in for the week. I got about 3 hours of cardio done as well. Now I just need to get back on track. The vacation is over, I have work to do!

I started this week off with my favorite Combat class. Erin was back from her vacation and brought her roommate Alana. It's always fun to have new people in class. Except that girl in the front row who just started today. Yeah, I know, who stands in the front row on the first day? And does everything right? We hate her! Does anyone notice how Mary is kinda mean during Combat? It's alright though, cause first she tells a story that makes you realize that she is just a normal girl and then she kicks your ass into gear!


Anonymous said...

Someone was new and did everything perfectly??? That sucks. Everyone is supposed to look like a fool for at least a month of classes. Or if you're me and can't go ever, you probably continue to look like a fool for even longer. Your blog reminded me I need to get to the grocery store. I am also a fan of Life, although I do like the Special K red berries quite a bit these days also. I know those aren't the absolute healthiest cereals, but it's gotta be better than other choices I have.

Anonymous said...

That anonymous one was me - I don't know what happened

Jen said...

I too ate cereal for dinner last night, Honey Nut Cheerios being the cereal of choice (or necessity because it was all I had). Sometimes I just don't have the energy to find something to put together or even heat something up when I get home from work. Cereal is the perfect solution!