That's not at all true; I do NOT wish that I was Jesse's girl. And I know those aren't even the right song lyrics, but I still thought that it would be a hurmorous title, seeing as my blog today is going to center around Jesse and his BodyPump class. First off, Jesse is the guy who Jennifer knows from high school. He was bestfriends with her secret boyfriend. So even though, one would think I would also know Jesse from high school, I do not. Hence the secret boyfriend and his secret bestfriend. But Jesse knows Jennifer (although he thinks her name is Jen, so obviously he doesn't know her that well) and he says
Hi to her a lot when we take his class and sometimes he calls her out in the middle of class:
Are you getting tired Jen? Needless to say, Jennifer doesn't enjoy taking his classes. Seeing as he only knows me as the girl that comes with Jen, I don't mind. So last week, on Monday when he was leading the special Memorial Day BodyPump class I didn't think twice about it. I saw him walk in with his wife and cute little 2 year-old daughter. Class was fine; his wife must have been doing cardio out in the gym area. After class, as I was picking up my steps, Jesse came over to me and tapped me on the back. I figured he was going to ask me where Jennifer was. Instead he said:
You are looking great! And then his eyes went up and down my body as if he was checking me out from head to toe and back up to head. (I wish I could tell you this story in person, because I just can't do it justice in words). I said:
Thanks and then hurriedly finishined putting my bench away. As funny as the situation really is, it shook me up a little bit. I was hoping to take his Sunday BodyPump class quite a bit this summer with my new messed-up schedule. But this was just a bit creepy. Anyway, today I powered through and went to his class. Nothing bizzare happened, although he did smile at me, but I think he always did that. Regardless, I put my weights away during abs and stretching, so that I could get out of there right away when class was over.
It was too hot today (only 88, but it felt more like 98) to get a good cardio workout in. The extra work and extra sleeping, left me with only 5 hours of working out this week. But after my five hour nap yesterday and my 9 hours of sleep last night, I had lost four pounds this morning. So there really must be something to that sleep deprivation/stress/pound retention thing after all. I am going to redo this week's running schedule, since I only got one of my three runs in. It's a little strange adding up all my hours and calories based on a Monday-Sunday week, but doing my weekly weigh in on Thursday. But oh well, I'll get used to it.
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