my journey to becoming a runner
Monday, June 30, 2008
June Updates
I accomplished all 7 hours of working out last week (3 weights, 4 cardio).
I earned $15 toward my car stereo last week.
I worked out 4 mornings so I got 4 more points in my CWE (Challenge with Erin).
That takes me up to:
$29 for my stereo -- and I found one I might want that's not too expensive.
And 7 morning points (with the goal of 30)
Overall, the month of June wasn't good for me. I gained a pound and a half. I haven't raised any weight in BodyPump and I haven't dropped any pant-sizes. What I have done is survived. The Summer Reading rush, the hatred of my job, the agony of working out even though it is a beautiful evening, learning to take Combat alone, tornadoes. Sometimes surviving is good enough.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Life Lessons from the Bike Trail
1. When you usually go left, turn right instead.
2. Sometimes the trail is flat and easy, but most of the time it's all uphill.
3. When you find yourself pedaling and not getting anywhere, it's time to change gears.
4. You're gonna meet a lot of people on the bike trail, and sometimes they are old men with no shirts on.
5. Even if you don't know where the trail leads, the ride is still fun.
6. That same wind that dries your sweat will make it damn hard to go forward.
7. Always have your cell phone handy; you never know when you might get a flat tire, or just be too tired to return home.
8. By the time you're worn out enough to need a drink of water, the water will be hot.
9. When you see the Walgreen's, you're almost home.
10. No matter what... your vagina is gonna hurt tomorrow!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
3 Pumps 2 Combats
It's been a great week workout wise. I have gotten my three Pumps in for the week. And for the first time (in history) I have attended two Combats in one week. I am hopeful that I will be able to go twice next week too (with the Fourth of July holiday). I am probably burning more calories this week than ever before. That's a good thing with the amount of food I have been eating. Last night Jen re-introduced me to TCBY. I haven't had that for at least 15 years. It's good. And if what I researched online it true, the small up we enjoyed had about 200 calories and 7 grams of fiber! It's a health food! Thanks for showing me a great time Jen!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Rise Up

Thursday, June 26, 2008
6 weeks till HSR

I intend to take today off from working out. I have a three day weekend starting tomorrow. I really deserve it; I have been working really hard and need to get away from that place. I plan on attending the 6am BodyPump tomorrow morning. I don't mind doing that when I know I can take a nap. Then Friday evening I am going to Omaha to hang out with Jen. On Saturday morning we are going to do the Pump/Combat classes at her gym. I am a little scared, but mostly excited. I am eager to have different teachers and different things to work on. And to take the classes with Jen.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Celebrate Summer
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sleepy, Grumpy, and Sneezy

I am meeting Erin at the gym at 7am. So I need to turn in for the night. Hopefully no thunderstorms wake me in the middle of the night!
Monday, June 23, 2008
I jab Want cross To hook Quit

Unfortunately before I was able to melt all the stress away, I had to take a break at work in the same room as a box of free pizza. I helped myself. I don't even love pizza. And it was supreme, which I hate and have to pick a lot of stuff off of. But I ate it anyway. Even while I was doing it, I knew I was eating to beat the anxiety of hating my job. Luckily it filled me up enough that I could eat a small dinner when I got home from Combat.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Relaxing at the Pool
I had a great week working out. I made it seven hours: two at Bodypump and 5 of cardio. I earned $14 toward my car stereo, and earned three points in my morning challenge with Erin. However, I did NOT eat very well. Friday night I went out to a Chinese restaurant with some friends. I only ate half of my meal, but enjoyed an egg roll and some crab rangoon. Then Saturday evening my boss had a pizza party, where I had to eat pizza as well as other snacks. Today's lunch with mom was at Olive Garden, where I ate pizza again and several breadsticks. Then this evening Ryan grilled burgers pool-side. So basically, nothing I ate this weekend was healthy. I don't even want to know what this is going to do to my weight!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Get Going

This is my first day off in a long time. Of course I had last weekend off, but I was at my dad's the whole time so I didn't get anything done. Then before that I had to work like 6 days in a row. So I think my last day off, to use how I please, was two weeks ago today. I have a big list of things I want to get done:
-The Muffler fixed on my car
-Lunch with Jennifer
-Clean my house
-Shower to fix my hair, which nobody can style right
-Dinner with girls from work
I better get going!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
7 weeks till HSR

I didn't make it to the gym this morning. And I think I will hit the grocery store late after work. So today will be my day off. I plan on making it to BodyPump and an hour of cardio on Friday, it's my day off. Saturday I have to work and we have a work party in the evening, so I will probably take that day off from the gym as well. Sunday I will get my 7th hour in the morning. That afternoon I have plans to hang out at the pool. Even more reason to get some cardio done.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Biking Fun
I realize that I haven't been mentioning all the great workouts I have done this week. Monday was combat (I think I did mention that). Tuesday I made it to BodyPump. This morning I met Erin at the gym at 7:00 to get in some good cardio. Mix that in with my bike ride this evening and I am looking at almost 4 hours for the week.
Erin and I have come up with our own summer challenge. For this one we are working together, which might help get us there more anyway. If we both go to the gym 30 times this summer (before Aug. 31st) before 5:00pm, then we will take ourselves out to a nice dinner. We haven't decided where yet. But it will be fun. Maybe we'll dress up. I am also developing my own challenge that will result in me buying a new car stereo for myself. For each hour I go the gym a week I get a dollar, two if it's in the morning. If I go all seven hours a week I get a bonus three dollars. That's a max of $15 a week. but it will take me several weeks to earn this car stereo. Hopefully by the end of summer I will be able to listen to more than one channel at more than one volume.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Your Favorite Tunes
Flaunt It (Biceps)
Voodoo Child (Squats)
Rock This Party / Everybody Dance Now (Chest)
Tu es Foutu (Triceps)
Hole in the Head (Chest)
Rise Up (Triceps)
Monday, June 16, 2008
I Love Life
I went to my dad's house for two days this weekend. It feels more like a week. And I probably ate enough calories there to fill up an entire seven days. I thought of myself on vacation for those two days and ate whatever I wanted: cream soups, fries, sandwiches with cheese, chocolate covered peanuts, movie popcorn, chips and dip, cookies, ranch dressing. Wow! I even had a slight stomach-ache on Saturday night from all the crap food in my system. His house also makes me tired and non-energetic. Even playing with his dog involves me sitting and the dog running around. Not to mention the magnitude of second-hand smoke I inhale while I am there.
Besides the extra calories and lack of movement, I didn't have too bad of week. I went to BodyPump on Saturday morning before I headed out of town. So I got all three sessions in for the week. I got about 3 hours of cardio done as well. Now I just need to get back on track. The vacation is over, I have work to do!
I started this week off with my favorite Combat class. Erin was back from her vacation and brought her roommate Alana. It's always fun to have new people in class. Except that girl in the front row who just started today. Yeah, I know, who stands in the front row on the first day? And does everything right? We hate her! Does anyone notice how Mary is kinda mean during Combat? It's alright though, cause first she tells a story that makes you realize that she is just a normal girl and then she kicks your ass into gear!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Oh Those Summer Nights
Thursday, June 12, 2008
8 weeks till HSR

Thursday is now the day that I work 12-9. It seems obvious that I would get up in the morning and go to the gym. I am usually up by 9am even if I do not set an alarm. But even if I am awake, it's hard to get up and go. Like this morning, I just laid in bed and read. And watched some news, and then slowly got ready for work. I told myself I would go after work. But later I remembered that I absolutely had to get a father's day present for dear old dad! That took up most of my evening. When I got home I had some cereal and went to bed.
You know what I am really enjoying right now: Hostess 100 calorie pack cupcakes. I had these about a year ago and was really disappointed. They are teeny-tiny and hardly worth the trouble of opening the package. I could eat on in a bite. There is hardly any of the yummy white middle stuff, which is what I like best about the hostess cupcake. But a few months ago I read that they have 5 grams of fiber in that little 100-calorie pack. So I tried them again. Not bad, and basically a health food!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Yesterday I also took a 30 minute bike ride down to the bike repair shop and back. For a belated birthday present I got Jennifer's bike fixed for her. It was a surprise while she was out of town, and she didn't know about it until today. So although my legs don't hurt from that, my bike-saddle-area sure does. No matter how much padding you get on a bike seat it doesn't seem to do any good. I was kind of hoping to take a bike ride with her this evening, now that her bike actually works. But we were too tired after we went to BodyPump. Jennifer hasn't been for half a month, so her legs were really tired. And as I mentioned, I am just pure soreness.
My goal for summer was to go to the gym on Wednesday and Friday mornings early, before work, to save my summer evenings for more enjoyable activities. I should probably start that goal tomorrow, seeing as summer has been around for eleven days. But now it's 11:40 and I would have to get up by 6:40. That's not going to seem too exciting. But I have my window and blinds open so sunshine should be greeting me when the alarm goes off at 6:30. That's my only hope. I should reward myself with something if I make it... thinking... thinking... more sleep, that is all I'll want!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Good and Bad

Brandy and I hit Combat tonight. It was difficult and great as always. I have decided it's the music that makes it so awesome. They have a lot of great upbeat, good songs that they make techno-ish. So I had a great workout day, after a horrible workout weekend. This is a great start to another stressful week. I am working seven days in a row, and then after that, this weekend, I have to go to Columbus for two days to celebrate father's day with dear old dad. He doesn't work out at all, and his dog doesn't even know how to go for walks. AND he buys lots of junk food for when I come to visit. Great!
Friday, June 6, 2008
The Best Laid Plans
Remember how I mentioned that Jennifer was stuck in Minnesota over night. Well, she calls me at 11:30pm and asks me to go to Omaha asap because her flight will be landing at 12:20am. So I rush around and drive up there. Just as I am pulling into the Airport, she texts me: haven't left yet, check the time. Her plane doesn't arrive until 2:00 in the morning. By the time we get her bags and drive home it's 3:30am. So I did not go to BodyPump at 6. I won't even go into the fact that I got pulled over by a trooper on the way up and given a fix-it ticket because my front license plate will not go in. Nobody has stopped me for that in the 5 years I have owned this car. But they pick the most stressful night of my most stressful week.

Thursday, June 5, 2008
9 weeks till HSR

I have been horrible about working out this week. I already mentioned how exhausted I was Tuesday so I skipped the gym. Yesterday, I went to my mom's house after work and told myself that the dog and I would get a good workout in. We walked (quite fast and without stopping to sniff things) for 30 minutes before she was panting a lot. So we stopped home to eat dinner and rest. Then next thing I know there's a tornado and we are in the basement. My mom does have a mini-trampoline in the basement which I thought about using, but we were both a little scared. My mom's two story, pure-glass living room was rattling and shaking so much that we thought it was going to fly off at any minute. Luckily the dog was tired for the long walk, so she laid down calmly if I kept petting her. Needless to say, there was no more working out after that. Just picking up stuff that flew around the lawn.
This morning I should have gotten up and worked out, but again I was too tired and let myself sleep in. I was planning on seeing Jennifer tonight after she returned from Boston and before she takes off for Colorado tomorrow. But alas, she is stuck in Minnesota all night and won't be back. So I guess that means I have no excuse but to head over to the gym after work; barring any more tornadoes that is. I plan on being at my first BodyPump of the week tomorrow at 6am (yes I said first on Friday). I will probably stick around and do some cardio, or plan on going back in the afternoon -- it is my only day off of work this week, so I need to make it count for something. And with Jennifer still out of town, what else do I have to do anyway?
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
A Bottomless Pit
I have also been away from my scale for the last two days and although it might be liberating it is also driving me crazy. Tomorrow is my weigh-in (I will be back at my house in the morning, although probably not until after I workout and drink a ton of water, so that might be thrown off.) Not knowing where I stand the days before my weigh-in are killing me. How do I know how that cookie binge effected my weight? Am I drinking enough water? Mostly the scale just reassures me that I am doing just fine!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Combating Alone
Sunday, June 1, 2008
I wish that I was Jesse's girl

It was too hot today (only 88, but it felt more like 98) to get a good cardio workout in. The extra work and extra sleeping, left me with only 5 hours of working out this week. But after my five hour nap yesterday and my 9 hours of sleep last night, I had lost four pounds this morning. So there really must be something to that sleep deprivation/stress/pound retention thing after all. I am going to redo this week's running schedule, since I only got one of my three runs in. It's a little strange adding up all my hours and calories based on a Monday-Sunday week, but doing my weekly weigh in on Thursday. But oh well, I'll get used to it.