my journey to becoming a runner
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Can you Believe it?
After staying up way to late, enjoying (read: drinking) being 25 with some of my co-worker's friends, I rolled out of bed around 10:30 this morning. I had tons of things I wanted to get done today, and was a little upset that I had slept so late. However, I haven't been able to sleep-in in a long time, so I really think I deserved this! I had to give Erin a ride to her car (at the shop) so that got me out of the house. It was perfect. I easily could have stayed in my warm bed and watched tv for at least another hour. But this way, I picked her up, got to the gym, the grocery store, and made it home all by 1:30. Now I have the whole afternoon to clean up this messy house, and make yummy snacks for Jen's New-Years-Rockin'-Eve Party!
I really wanted to get a good cardio-equipment workout in today. I have been so bored lately by the treadmills and other cardio machines that I haven't been able to stay at the gym the entire hour. I also have a really hard time working up a sweat unless I am running (or taking kickboxing) so I often feel that walking on the treadmill or using the elliptical machines isn't hard enough. Or I just can't push myself to the level I need to be working at. So even though I was feeling dehydrated from an evening of drinking, I made myself walk as fast as possible, on the steepest incline I could handle. Then I switched over to the elliptical where I went as fast as I could (running) and burned a bunch more calories. Now, if I could just stop eating the Peanut Butter cups, things would start looking up!
Thanks for being there with me through 2008. I wouldn't have made it without you guys!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
- Rid the house of left over Christmas candies/cookies/treats.
- Fold all the laundry/clothes laying around the house.
- Make time to workout every day.
- Go to the grocery store and get some healthy foods for the first time in months.
- Put away all the Christmas gifts/receipts.
- Return all the things that didn't quite work out.
- Turn up the heat, so my house isn't so cold, and makes me want to just lay under a blanket.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Less Time Now
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
I got in a pretty good workout on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately there were no classes at Goodyear; they closed at 3:00. So after I got off work at 4:00 I headed over to Gold's (there are some good reasons to have two gyms) and worked out for 50 minutes. I find gym cardio to be so insanely boring that I just couldn't make myself stay for ten more minutes. Then I celebrated with my mom by eating some creamy soup. There was no working out on Christmas, because they gym had some absurd hours (10-4) in which I was busy during all of them. On top of no calories burned, I ate a huge amount of them. I skipped the pie, but that's easy for me. I made up for it with stuffed mushrooms, manacotti, fudge, Oreo balls, sugar cookies, etc... But that's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Vote Early, Vote Often
Monday, December 22, 2008
You'd think that this fact would have inspired me to turn around and eat as health-full-ly as possible this week. And it did. I started out on a great foot: picked a healthy granola bar for breakfast, packed a nutritious lunch, brought my gym clothes for my two hours of gym time this evening. But as soon as I walked in the door at work, these cinnamon rolls were staring at me. After thirty minutes of still wanting one, I gave in. I microwaved it so it would be ooey-gooey and warm. Unfortunately I killed it. The frosting melted everywhere and it was a crusty as a crouton. Even though I wanted to get another, I threw it away and went on with my morning. Then I ate a whole bunch of chocolate that someone brought in. What is it with people and the holidays and food and sharing with others. We don't all want to be as fat as you Santa!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Omaha Classes
I am starting to feel sore today though. Almost like someone kicked me in the ribs. Since Combat has no physical contact, I can only guess that Jennifer must have kicked me in my sleep (we were sharing a double bed in Jen's guest room). I'm a little worried that as the day goes on I am going to feel even more sore. And I don't even want to think about tomorrow. I am going to make myself get to the gym today for some nice hill walking. Apparently Jen might want us to wear short dresses to her wedding, and that is going to mean a complete overhall of my calves as well as my upper-body. Time to start worrying more about that I guess!
Friday, December 19, 2008
How Far Would You Go?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
More Trumps Sore
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Three Weeks Away
To get to the point: I am three weeks away from turning 29. The big 2-9. The last year of my twenties. What do I want to get done in the next three weeks? Where do I want to be when I start the last year of my youth? What are my goals? And thinking even bigger: I want to make 29 a great year. So I want to come up with a list of goals to accomplish in my 29th year of life. What things do I want to have done by the time I am 30. Thirty years old. I think I need a minute...
Help me make a list!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Where Have I Been?
Then I had a whole bunch of errands to run. I needed to finish up my Christmas shopping. Amid all the running around, I allowed myself to eat McDonald's for dinner. What is it they say about eating high calorie foods right after you burn a whole bunch? Something about your metabolism being at its highest and therefore kicking those calorie's ass's? Oh well, it was still a bunch of calories in; but when was the last time I savored a yummy french fry?
This week is shaping up to be a great workout week. Two classes this evening, two classes on Wednesday evening. Then I plan to be in Omaha Saturday morning, so hopefully we can fit in two more classes then. When was the last time I took three weight lifting classes in one week? Early August? Late July? It seems so very long ago!
Friday, December 12, 2008
A Workout Blog?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Two Teeth = Four Pounds
I have a long day of work today (eleven hours) and then I need to spend time this evening getting ready for a job interview I have tomorrow. It's for a great job that I am hardly qualified for, let alone have any chance of getting. But I really should take the interview more seriously. I also have to get up early tomorrow morning for a staff breakfast, which I will need to make/buy something for tonight. On top of all of that, I got very little sleep last night (five hours) which I need to make up for tonight. So I'll get off work at 8:00, stop by the grocery store and be home by 8:45, review some interview questions for an hour, and try to be in bed by 10:00. Sounds like a plan!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Jillian Always Wins
As far as my working out goes: nowhere. Today I was too weak to do any exercise. I haven't been able to eat any nutrients for two days, so I didn't have enough strength to make it down the stairs let alone to the gym. Tonight I think that I was able to eat a little better. Hopefully I will be back to normal tomorrow because I plan to make it back to my kickboxing/bodypower combo!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Fat Teeth

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Back to it
One month from today is my 29th birthday. I feel good for twenty-nine; I am probably in the best shape of my life. I guess that's a plus. So I tried not to be upset when the 36-year-old manager of McDonald's (yes I let myself eat dinner at McDonald's) called me young lady. I mean, maybe I still look twenty-four. That can't be a bad thing.
I am not going to Columbus this weekend. So I should be able to get another hour of workout time in tomorrow. I am going out to dinner tomorrow evening as a last supper event. I have no idea when I will be able to eat real food again after my wisdom teeth extraction. I am trying to think of a really good/chewy/crunchy dinner to eat. Maybe chips and salsa? I am going to enjoy the juice stop drinks I will be able to drink on Monday. And the Jamocha shakes from Arbys. And I am most looking forward to the three days I have off from work. Oh yeah, and the laughing gas they'll be giving me. That sounds pretty great. I wish I could get some at home!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Not Since Monday
The more I don't work out the easier it is for me to eat like crap. This week I have allowed myself fries, a brownie, Chinese food, cookies and a hostess snack cake. I mean, what do I think is going to happen? The fat in the food will disappear with the warm temperatures? I think that I have gained 4 pounds since last week. And seeing as I won't be doing a ton of exercising in the next few days, I probably need to get a lid on my eating. I guess it's good news that I will have huge holes in my mouth next week and won't be able to chew anything.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Bad Worker-Outer-er
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
New Gym Friends
After starting my week off with two good hours of working out, I am taking this evening off. Some of my work people are going out to Mazatlan for one of our employee's last days of work. I could try to get to the gym before we meet for Margaritas at 8:00. But I have a lot of errands to run. And sometimes I get tired of going places sweaty. Sure these people already know how cute and good smelling I am in real life. But, there's no reason to confuse them! Hello yummy drinks, goodbye gym time!
Monday, December 1, 2008
I Know, I Know
Monday -- Kickboxing, BodyPower
Tuesday -- Hour of treadmill: attempted to run, stopped, walked hills
Wednesday -- Kickboxing, BodyPower
Thursday -- Early trip to the gym where I walked, and amt'ed for an hour.
Rest of the Weekend -- NOTHING
So here's a little recap of my eating last week:
Monday -- Perfect
Tuesday -- Perfect
Wednesday -- was so proud of myself for doing 2 hours of gym time when nobody else did, that I took myself out for Margaritas and the cheesiest nachos that I have ever had.
Thursday -- told myself I could eat anything I wanted (besides pie) because I had worked out. Didn't even miss the pie. Later in the evening I wanted chocolate, my mother didn't have any, so we made chocolate chip cookies. I think this was the first time I have made cookies (from scratch, not just cut and bake) in like 6 years. And the last time I was at Amy's house and she wouldn't let me eat the raw cookie dough (the best part). Something about salmonella or something. It was heaven. I like cookie dough better than anything else in the ENTIRE world!!!
Friday -- early morning shopping, but fine eating. Made turkey chili for the game, nobody noticed that the beef was missing. Enjoyed leftover pumpkin pie, without the crust!
Saturday -- more Christmas shopping, still craving chocolate, ate very-gooey-brownie instead of dinner (at Panera), then let myself have (unbuttered) popcorn at movie. A good trade off.
Sunday -- didn't eat much, but what I did eat was left-over junk food. Gotta get back on track. When was the last time I ate a vegetable? Besides potatoes? and green-bean casserole?
Tonight I am supposed to have two special friends at Kickboxing. Jennifer still can't go (her back/neck has been hurting her). But Brandy called to say that she would be joining me. And possibly my friend Sara. I love converting new people! I am mostly excited that I don't have to go alone again!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sorry Katie
Tonight I plan on getting to the gym during The Biggest Loser (I'm thinking the second half). Surprisingly (and this goes along with what Jen hates about her job) when I have a crazy busy day at work and hardly sit down, it's easier for me to get to the gym, than the days that I am bored and just sit around waiting for the customers. It's something about how my energy level is so high all day, or how energy breeds energy. It's probably some theory of physics. Either way, right before a holiday, customers go crazy. They fear library withdraw, so they get to the library in droves. Needless to say, I hardly say still today, and now I am looking forward to getting to the gym. Maybe it's more about stress relief than energy!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Cool Whip
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Working Out Well
I am determined to have a good week, even with Thanksgiving looming near. I'm going to work out extra hard (I do have a four day weekend coming up) I am going to eat very healthfully all week, just so I can allow myself to indulge on Thursday. I will let myself eat potatoes and rolls, but I am not giving into pie. I don't even like pie. Why waste my calories. Give me a left-over-turkey-sandwich instead! My goal is to still lose a pound this week even with Thanksgiving smacking itself right in the middle of my week!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
You Spin me Right Round Baby

I had eaten healthy all week and then yesterday and today, I feel like I ruined it all. I hate how a whole week can be ruined by one poor decision. I guess it's better than two bad decision and no good ones!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
It Must be the Shoes

I've got four hours done for the week, plus about 30 minutes of dog-walking which I did Tuesday evening while I was dog-sitting. It's gotten too cold to be out running with the dog. My lungs don't do cold-weather running. And alas, the dog cannot go to the gym with me.
Last night I used up the last of my 15 punches at Goodyear. Now I have come to a point where I have to decide if I will join for good (maybe just six-months) or buy another punch card. I suppose I might as well use Gold's for all my cardio needs at least until February when my membership is over there. I really do like Goodyear and the classes are great. I'm going to try a Zumba class in the next few weeks with Erin (and Lisa?) and I think we agreed to do a Yoga class. On top of that I am pretty sure that we're scheduled for an 8:15 Spinning class on Saturday morning. While all those classes are well and good, they generally cost me $2-$4 per session. So if I am going to be taking 5-7 classes a week, maybe I should just join. Decisions, decisions!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What I Learned from Jillian
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Seven Hours
Scale Woes
- The scale is not an exact reading of calories in/calories out as the experts claim weight to be.
- The scale does not take into account those bulging quad muscles I have developed.
- The scale does not take my feelings into consideration on days that my water-weight might have increased.
- When I am doing everything right (working out, eating healthy) and the scale increases a few pounds, I am discouraged.
-When I am doing everything right (working out, eating healthy) and the scale decreases a few pounds, I am very happy, and encouraged to keep doing it.
And that's enough to keep weighing myself every day!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Brandy

For this reason alone, I made sure that I got to the gym this afternoon (I had the day off because I work the weekend). I still am not feeling well. My head is congested and my neck is tired from holding my head up. I haven't been sleeping very well lately, and therefore I am lacking energy. Still, I made it to the gym. It was easier because I knew that Erin was waiting for me. We did 30 minutes walking hills and 30 minutes on the AMT machine. It is quite a workout -- nice.
For Brandy's birthday, Jennifer and I bought her a 15-punch card to Goodyear fitness. So now she will be able to join us for classes. She will be excited about taking bodypower and maybe even kickboxing. But I bet I can talk her in to trying other things like Zumba and Cardio Blast. Yeah, more gym friends!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hit Me with your Best Shot
On top of all of that, I have begun to concentrate more on form than weights in body power class. Marika has always been a big proponent of lower weights/better form. She even goes as far as encouraging lifters to go light on muscles like triceps and biceps. And although I am reluctant to not increase my weights, I find I can get a better workout if I tighten my triceps every time I lift them. They are always sore. Even if they aren't fatigued at the end of the song. I really concentrate on squeezing my elbows together, as if there was a ball in between my arms. So I am happy with the lower weight but larger results. And remember, I am target-training my upper body for the next 43 weeks!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thank a Vet for My Workout
I had meant to start my running program today, but I was too sore to make myself run. I got to the gym telling myself I wouldn't have to run until Friday. Sometimes I dread running and sometimes I like the challenge it presents. I figure I shouldn't have to do it unless I am enjoying it. I'm not exactly sure why I am sore today. It could have been the one hundred roundhouse kicks we did last night. It could have been the extra squats we did in kickboxing right before we did all those squats in power class. It could have been the fact that I took last Wednesday off from the gym, so I hadn't been to class in a week. No to mention the fact that I hadn't worked out at all since last Monday. (Wow, I took a whole week off?) Or the fact that I am still getting back to good from the cold I developed this weekend. Either way, I was tired and weak and at least I made it to the gym. I used the elliptical machine for 30 minutes and then walked uphills for 30 minutes. It was hot in the gym. I could feel the heat blasting onto me from the vent. I wish the place I worked could be that warm. I am most excited by the fact that I can just sit at home and relax this evening, because I already have my workout done.
Monday, November 10, 2008
A Kick in the Pants
Every so many months (10 weeks) I get a target gift card from my health insurance. I get it because every week I log my workouts onto their website. It's some motivational technique to get people working out. And although you can easily just lie about it, I don't. So it's a nice bonus when my $25 comes in the mail. I try to spend that money then on workout things. So today I bought myself a new pair of yoga/workout pants. I am in a constant battle with workout pants. They are either too short, too tight, too loose, too high-wasted, too thigh showing, or too expensive. But I might have found a great pair today. They were perfectly tight without a drawstring, slimming, and so long that I almost step on them! All that for $17.99. And my health insurance paid for them.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A Big N-O
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Great Genes
Tonight I am going out for dinner and drinks with some friends. But I plan on getting up early tomorrow morning so that I can hit the gym. I have a big family lunch/brunch for my Grandma's 86th birthday. I love my Grandma. Not only was she an independent woman, who owned her own business and had her own life, before she met my grandfather, fell in love and had a family. Now she is a feisty old lady who hasn't worked out a day in her life and is famous for her pies. But she is 86 years old and in great shape and living a full life. She travels, she lives on her own, and she walks to the grocery store when it's not too cold. I am lucky to have her in my life, both as a role model and a great contributor to my gene pool. I hope to live well into my nineties, so I better take care of myself now. That's gonna start tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Number 44
I woke up this morning not feeling very well. I think I was dehydrated (I hardly drank any water yesterday and had a few celebratory drinks). I had also eaten several chips at my Barack the Vote party and the combination of salt and no water left me feeling ill. I still planned on going to the gym; I packed my bag and everything. But I haven't seen Jennifer all week and I feel like I don't do anything fun anymore; and I feel like my whole life revolves around the gym; and I am so sick and tired of going to the gym alone, even though that should be very natural for me. So I decided to skip the gym and go to dinner with Jennifer instead. You know, don't burn any calories, eat them instead! But later I have to go visit my mom for a while, so I will take the dog for a long walk, or maybe even a run. I don't have my IPod with me though, so that could get old fast!
Anyway, here's to a better world (from here on out), a better president (next year) and a better me (next week!).
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Almost Like My Birthday
I woke up this morning with the sun. By the time my alarm clock went off at 7:00 I was wide awake. I jumped out of bed and got ready as fast as possible. It was as good as my birthday. Today I change the world! I even straighten my hair. Just for Barack. I met Jennifer at the polling place at 8:10. I had to figure out which line to stand in, which was a little much for me that early in the morning, but after that I was golden. The whole process took about 40 minutes. But it was well worth it.
I have mentioned my love of Barack before. And I hate to drone on about it. I mean, I'm not gonna change any one's vote with my blog. But I am going to help bring about change. I believe in Obama; I believe that he will make the United States a better place. I believe that he will get us out of this crisis: the war, the depression, the hatred. I think that I will see a bigger tax break if I vote for him and that children will get a better education. But what I love about him the most is his belief in the system; his ability to motivate people; and his belief in us as a nation. I believe that he can win this election. I mean, it is almost like my birthday, and it's all I am asking for!
Vandals at the Gym
Sunday, November 2, 2008
A Hard Day's Work
I need to turn over a new leaf when it comes to eating. I have been very bad lately with eating out and eating candy and not counting calories. Obviously I have proven to myself that I can eat lots of junk if I keep working out, and maintain my weight. But I still need to lose those last pounds before I can be happy maintaining. I was hoping that if I just worked on working out lots the weight would work itself off. But that's not happening. So I really need to get somewhere before Christmas comes and nobody loses weight. Anyway, I need to go back to writing down my calories. I am also going to start over on my 10-week running plan. After a few failed runs and a few missed workouts, I might as well start again. Now ten weeks leads right up to my birthday. That's a good goal point.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Spin Span Spun

I spent the afternoon looking for wedding dresses with Jen. And even though that was quite a workout, it didn't burn as many calories as the La Paz lunch we had. At least I am so full that I will hardly be eating dinner if I eat anything at all. But tomorrow I hope to get in a good run. I need something besides kickboxing that gets me sweating during the week.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Shoe Lust
An Ode to Shoes
Shoes, staring at me, wanting to go home with me.
So many pairs, squeaky new.
Without scuffs, without scars.
Helping me run faster; jump higher; kick harder.
Giving me a reason to get out the door; out of bed; to the gym.
Making me happy every time I look down.
Staring from other people's feet; mocking my foot size; my income; my desire.
Complementing my perfect feet; my toes; my outfit.
Oh how I love shoes!
Why must you hate me; taunt me; love me so?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sleeping? Check!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
What is this? Step Class?
When it was time for Body Power, I was in an even worse mood and not feeling like staying. But then Erin's friend Lisa came in. (My friend Lisa I should say.) Boy that made me happy. It's not like we really talked at all. But it was nice to see a friendly face and have someone stand beside me. Nobody really likes me at the new gym. Or maybe it's me who doesn't really like anyone else. So I didn't increase my squat weight like I had previously planned (see note above regarding 100 squats on surfboard type step). I stayed high on everything else and I sure can feel it today.
I had planned on going running this evening at the gym. But I had to meet my mom and aunt for dinner. Then we sat around chatting. Now it is 8:30 and I haven't gone yet. I am thinking I will give myself a break today. Besides, I still haven't eaten any Halloween candy this year!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Busy Weekend
I have today off of work, since I worked all weekend. Yay, a four day week! I am torn about having Monday's off. I really like to work out hard on my days off, but today I have to wait around for my kickboxing/pump classes this evening. I would have taken those anyway, so I'm not doing any special working out today. However, Monday is the worst day at work. It seems to be the busiest and the most people call in sick, so it's just as well that I am not there. I spent my day going through my drawers and closets. I am trying to fill two boxes to give to goodwill. I've got one full so far. It has been a fun afternoon trying on pants and realizing how far I have come. I've also realized that I have more pants than shirts. This is an interesting problem. I am not quite sure what I am going to wear all winter.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Pizza Should Help
Completed: 1 mile (maybe!)
Failure again. It wasn't hot in the gym. I wasn't tired from working all day. I didn't have music or headphone issues. I just had no hope of pushing through. The idea of running 27 minutes really daunted me. Even after 10 minutes, seventeen more was way too many to conquer. So I let myself quit. Then I walked uphill for a while. I even threw in a few minute-runs up the incline. But I had to leave the gym after about 30 minutes because I thought I had lunch plans at noon. My uncle and his friend from California are in town visiting and we are supposed to go to Valentino's for lunch. Because all out-of-towners love pizza. Turns out that it is now 12:30 and I am still waiting to hear when they will be in town and I'll be able to eat. You know what my biggest pet-peeve is? And I mean BIGGEST!? Catering my life around someone else's time-table only to have them disappoint me. For instance: I got out of bed, made myself go to the gym, cut my workout short, only to get home and wait around for the the plan-makers to change the plans. I could have stayed at the gym for a whole hour, or slept longer, or eaten breakfast, or something. Ugh!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Is Work Making Me Fat?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Who Will You Root For?
Speaking of the love of the game, I went to kickboxing and body power again tonight. I had set a goal to move my weights up tonight. I thought that I should be able to use the same weights I had been using in August. I wasn't too sore on Tuesday, so I figure it's time to increase. The problem was, I was exhausted after kickboxing, so the idea of increasing my squat weight almost made me cry. I wanted to go home, but I made myself stay. At least I was there. So I increased my chest and shoulder and tricep weight, and will leave the squats for next time. Body Power is definitely different when done dripping in sweat. And I wonder: will I ever do it dry again?
You know what's better than having two hours done on Monday? Having five hours of workout time over with by Wednesday night. This is a great plan! I will take Thursdays off (the whole ten hour work day thing) and get back to the gym on Friday and Sunday. YAY, this might be the first week I get seven hours done, in months!
The List
1) Learned to Kickbox and love it.
2) Run two more 5ks; one in which I started late and the other in which I finished late.
3) Had my fitness classes removed from existence and had to find them back.
4) Bought some super-cute running shoes; and have since put a hole in the toe.
5) Learned to use an ATM machine.
6) Attended my 10 year High School Reunion at my lowest weight of all time.
7) Eaten/complained about a lot of cake.
8) Almost cut off my toe at Hy-Vee, which really would have hindered my running career.
9) Bought a new bike, only to find out that the bike doesn't make it easier to get up a hill.
10) Ran in California.
11) Ran in Georgia.
12) Attempted to do pilates only to discover I have no powerhouse.
13) Re-introduced myself to the girl's weight room at the gym.
14) Been given a stair-machine for my house, although it has yet to be delivered.
15) Discovered a beautiful running trail right by my dad's house.
16) Taught my mom's dog to run three miles.
17) Lost some weight and at least a clothing size.
18) Lost some other things that were important to me as well.
19) Been forced to be the strongest I have ever been.
20) Discovered that sometimes surviving is good enough!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
One Year Ago Today

Monday, October 20, 2008
Two a Good Start

What I love the most is getting two hours of workouts done in just the first day of the week. There is no better start than that!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Always a Bridesmaid

Today's Running Goal: 2 miles at 5.0mph (12:00 miles)
Completed: 2 miles in 23:28 (11:44 miles)
Before I started I thought that this run would be really easy. I mean, I had been running 17 minutes non-stop at 5.2 last week, so I thought that slowing down would mean I could go a lot longer. But I was tired 10 minutes in. The gym was really warm, and I was dripping with sweat as soon as I started. Even though the goal was just two miles, I had thought to myself, what if I took a little walk break at two miles and then ran until I got to three or four. That never happened. I was exhausted at the two mile mark. But that's okay because that was the goal. Now I know my ten week plan to run 4.5 miles is spot on. I ran the first 1.75 miles at the 5.0 pace and then sprinted the end. Jen had mentioned that she got faster by sprinting at the end each time, so I am going to keep adding that to each of my runs. I also started my upper-body weight lifting plan for 20 minutes today. Perhaps having a body-goal will keep me from fretting about the number on the scale so much.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I forgot to believe

Tonight was the first time in a long while that I have been to the gym and didn't run. Well, I mean to Gold's, because of course I do other things when I go for the classes. This evening I walked hills for 45 minutes and then I went over to the bikes for 45. I got a good workout on both. I have been pretty sore all day from Body Power yesterday. So any walking or biking felt like I was working really hard. Now I am happy for the Red Sox win, happy because I got 90 minutes of sweat-time in and am wrapped up in my electric blanket!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
That's Hot
Back to Good
So now that my vacation is over, it is time for me to get back on track. I am excited to get back to body power this evening. I haven't actually developed a routine since the classes got back to normal. I am ready to get my muscles in peek shape and not be sore all the time. I have also made a new running plan. It's a ten-week plan that leads right up to Christmas. (Don't fret ladies, but Christmas is just ten weeks away.) Basically I will be continuing my 5k runs twice a week increasing the running speed each week, but still allowing me to take two walk breaks. Another time each week I am going to work on distance instead, and running further each time. By Christmas I should be able to do 4.5 miles without stopping (slowly) and run a 5k in record time (34 minutes?). The problem is I have nothing to train for and that makes me sad. There's nothing like a goal to get me excited. But anything more than ten weeks away is too long-term for me.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Back Home
Here are some pictures from our 5k day. It sucks to not have an "audience" on race day, so nobody took my picture while running or crossing the finish line.
After the Race
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Worst Thing Ever
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Road Trip

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Last Try
What I did: 5k in 37:46 (12:10 minute miles)
I had a lot of nervous energy today because I was anticipating my vacation. On the other hand I worked really hard at work (two people called in sick) and I had a lot to get ready before I left. Still, I was determined to accomplish this running goal, because it was the last chance I would have to practice. I understand that running that fast once is not going to make it any easier to run that fast in the long-term. The idea is more about pacing. If I know that I have run that fast (just once) and made it to the end, then I will know on race day that I can push myself that much. Otherwise, I will let myself slow down because I will be worried about making it to the end. Even though I accomplished my goal today, it just isn't fast enough. I am pretty sure I won't be able to shave 46 second off of my time even with the momentum of the race. I was pushing myself super-hard. And I sprinted faster than I ever have in my life to try and come in under 37 minutes. It was more difficult than normal because I haven't run in almost two weeks. My cold kept me from getting to the gym late last week. And this week I have only taken classes. Still, I know that 45 minutes of kick-ass kickboxing teaches my lungs to hold oxygen just as well as running. And the weight lifting has to be helping my leg muscles to push off harder. If I just had about three more weeks, I might have been able to do it. Or if I could convince myself (and Jennifer) that we didn't need the two walking breaks. But, oh how I do.
I am getting nervous, and getting antsy to leave. I guess I'd better pack. I will keep you guys updated. They do have Internet in Georgia right?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I Was Gonna
I was gonna watch the Biggest Loser while I ran until it was already over.
I was gonna make myself go to the gym after work anyway until I remembered that Elijah was stopping by Jennifer's house to sell me boy scout popcorn.
I was gonna do my laundry and get packed for my trip until I didn't end up getting home until after 10pm.
I was gonna eat cereal for dinner until Jennifer offered me cheesecake.
I was gonna recalibrate my IPod so it is perfect for Saturday's race until I never made it to the gym.
I was gonna go to bed early so I could get to the gym tomorrow morning until I got online.
I was gonna do everything perfectly until I realized that life happens and you have to go with the flow.