I meant to mention this earlier, but got busy with my race training. My friend Jen has asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. I of course said yes! This will be my first chance at being a bridesmaid for someone. Jen is allowing everyone to purchase different dresses, as long as they are all black. This means that I can find one that looks super-cute on me! The wedding date is August 29
th, 2009, that is 45 weeks from today. That might sound like a lot of weeks, but it will pass quickly. Since my goal is to be the second best looking person up there (next to Jen of course) I have a lot of work to do. It's a summer wedding, so no doubt my arms will be bare. I need to concentrate on getting my upper-body in perfect shape. Jen's arms are already awesome, so she just needs to maintain that greatness. Lucky her. Besides the fact that she's the bride and will look beautiful no matter what. The good news is that arms are really easy to spot train because they are such small muscles. Still, I only have 45 weeks, or 90 Body Power classes to attend. I'm just not sure that's enough. So I am going to add 20 minutes of weight machines or free weights once a week, just working my triceps, biceps, and shoulders. Thanks Jen, for giving me something to work towards!
Today's Running Goal: 2 miles at 5.0mph (12:00 miles)
Completed: 2 miles in 23:28 (11:44 miles)
Before I started I thought that this run would be really easy. I mean, I had been running 17 minutes non-stop at 5.2 last week, so I thought that slowing down would mean I could go a lot longer. But I was tired 10 minutes in. The gym was really warm, and I was dripping with sweat as soon as I started. Even though the goal was just two miles, I had thought to myself,
what if I took a little walk break at two miles and then ran until I got to three or four. That never happened. I was exhausted at the two mile mark. But that's okay because that was the goal. Now I know my ten week plan to run 4.5 miles is spot on. I ran the first 1.75 miles at the 5.0 pace and then sprinted the end. Jen had mentioned that she got faster by sprinting at the end each time, so I am going to keep adding that to each of my runs. I also started my upper-body weight lifting plan for 20 minutes today. Perhaps having a body-goal will keep me from fretting about the number on the scale so much.
Thanks for the arm compliments! Also thanks for starting a countdown for me, I need a bit of a reality check when it comes to planning because I haven't done much of that lately! Yikes!
I'm sure you'll look great for her wedding..... when are we going to look at black dresses? I guess maybe it's a little early for that, but since I can't shop for clothes much since I'm trying to budget, so shopping for the dress for Jen's wedding can be my shopping fix for the next 6 months!
Well, then we better drag it out for the next few months.
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