my journey to becoming a runner

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Back to it

Thanks to Jennifer I got up early this morning and made it back to Gold's for some cardio. I hadn't been there since Thanksgiving morning. Isn't that crazy? What is wrong with me? This season/weather/darkness/holiday seems to be depressing me. I have little motivation to get out of bed. And I absolutely understand that working out will get me out of a funk, but it's hard to get to the gym when all you want to do is sleep. And some people think the point of weekends is sitting around and watching tv. But when I find myself sitting around doing nothing, I just get more depressed. Its a never ending battle. So even though I forced myself to get out of bed early this morning, and again later in the afternoon to get some Christmas shopping done, I still spent eight hours of the day laying in my bed.

One month from today is my 29th birthday. I feel good for twenty-nine; I am probably in the best shape of my life. I guess that's a plus. So I tried not to be upset when the 36-year-old manager of McDonald's (yes I let myself eat dinner at McDonald's) called me young lady. I mean, maybe I still look twenty-four. That can't be a bad thing.

I am not going to Columbus this weekend. So I should be able to get another hour of workout time in tomorrow. I am going out to dinner tomorrow evening as a last supper event. I have no idea when I will be able to eat real food again after my wisdom teeth extraction. I am trying to think of a really good/chewy/crunchy dinner to eat. Maybe chips and salsa? I am going to enjoy the juice stop drinks I will be able to drink on Monday. And the Jamocha shakes from Arbys. And I am most looking forward to the three days I have off from work. Oh yeah, and the laughing gas they'll be giving me. That sounds pretty great. I wish I could get some at home!


Jen said...

Whatever you do after you get your teeth pulled, do not use a straw! I just read all the drinks you want and in case no one has warned you (I'm sure they have though) just don't do it! I had to have my wisdom teeth pulled at two separate times so I know! Ice cream is the way to go!

Anonymous said...

Yay me! I made you go to the gym! This weather also makes me just want to stay in bed all day. My bed is so warm and my house is cold, so why would I ever want to do anything else. You haven't had a Jamocha shake yet - and that's the one thing you were looking forward to in the whole tooth extraction process. Maybe you should have one today - or wait until you can actually use a straw again.