I now have two less teeth in my mouth. It was awful, just like I thought it would be, but I won't go into that here. I am sure the fact that I have a serious dental-phobia made the situation much worse than it would be for any other person that just
doesn't like the dentist. For a brief moment today I started hoping that those two teeth might be really heavy. Like what if they each weighed a whole pound. That would make me two pounds lighter. Then it might have been worth it. Since, that is probably nowhere close to what teeth actually weigh, I will just have to hope the liquid diet does something positive for my health. So since both my driver (Jennifer) and my doctor said I can't work out today, I guess I won't. But truly, I feel perfect. I mean, sure I have gauze in my mouth, I can't eat, and there is a dull pain in my jaw area. But that doesn't mean I can't punch and kick. And I can drink perfectly well. I know, I know, there are several reasons that I am just supposed to take it easy, but I hate to waste a day off doing absolutely nothing. No worries, I already did dishes and laundry (don't tell anyone!)
What better way to spend 3 days off than feeling pretty good after getting teeth pulled? Maybe you should have had them taken out one at a time so you could have 3 days off. Although I suppose the second experience in the dentist chair wouldn't be worth the 3 additional days off for you. Maybe this experience will help you have less fear next time you just have a stupid teeth cleaning - it can't be as bad as what you survived yesterday.
I have had more pleasant experiences having teeth pulled than having them cleaning. It's all that damn scraping and poking and rough flossing I hate. That's just me though....
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