my journey to becoming a runner

Monday, December 15, 2008

Where Have I Been?

I was able to do both the kickboxing and the bodypower class tonight and I feel great about it. Kickboxing wasn't nearly as grueling as last time, I was better nourished, the room wasn't spinning and I was able to power-through. There's something about having water breaks that let you catch your breath and keep going, whereas, 40 minutes with no break is down-right impossible. I even increased my squat weight slightly. I had been going down on my squats recently, because I am usually SO exhausted from kickboxing that I can't make myself load up the weight. But tonight I pushed myself... I haven't lifted weights in two weeks. I wonder if I will feel that tomorrow.

Then I had a whole bunch of errands to run. I needed to finish up my Christmas shopping. Amid all the running around, I allowed myself to eat McDonald's for dinner. What is it they say about eating high calorie foods right after you burn a whole bunch? Something about your metabolism being at its highest and therefore kicking those calorie's ass's? Oh well, it was still a bunch of calories in; but when was the last time I savored a yummy french fry?

This week is shaping up to be a great workout week. Two classes this evening, two classes on Wednesday evening. Then I plan to be in Omaha Saturday morning, so hopefully we can fit in two more classes then. When was the last time I took three weight lifting classes in one week? Early August? Late July? It seems so very long ago!


Jen said...

Mmmm, a french fry sounds yummy. I think it's okay to indulge every once in a while in that sort of thing. Lately I have been missing the fact that I used to do weightlifting three times a week; I was so much buffer then!! I hope someday I can fit it back into my schedule!

Anonymous said...

We haven't been able to take classes 3 times a week ever since those bastards at the other gym cut the classes. Now we can pretty much only take 2 a week - and we have to leave work earlier than usual to go to those classes. Yes, I'm still bitter.