my journey to becoming a runner

Sunday, January 11, 2009

One Last Bang

My day today was completely full of many things: working out early; attending a bridal fair with Jennifer's entire family, not to mention half of Lincoln; hanging out at my mom's house with my grandma who's leaving for California next week; meeting my aunt and uncle for a 3:00 lunch that was delicious and sinful; taking a 45 minute nap because I couldn't keep my eyes open for one more minute; meeting some friends from work for our monthly dinner out at Lazlo's where I wasn't a bit hungry but enjoyed chips and salsa and one last birthday dessert. At least I started the day off with an hour at the gym with Jen. I didn't work out at the highest intensity, but I was dehydrated, and it was my eighth hour of gym-time this week. Tomorrow I return to normalcy. I am getting back to counting calories and weighing myself and working hard to obtain all of my goals. I will do a weigh-in in the morning, but I have to admit: I am very afraid of what the scale is going to say!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

8 hours of gym time this week! How do you have time to do anything else???? That's amazing! Thanks for coming to the bridal fair with me.