my journey to becoming a runner

Monday, January 5, 2009

Birthday Week

After working every day that wasn't a national holiday (read: busy spending time with family) I finally have a day off. In fact, I have three of them. I only have to work two days this week (Wednesday and Thursday), and it's going to lead to a great birthday week and a great workout week. Tonight I will finally make it back to classes at the gym; I haven't been in two weeks! I am looking forward to getting back into a routine. My life has been frazzled and out of control, and finally things will all get back to normal. Here's my plan for the week:
Monday - Kickboxing, BodyPower
Tuesday - Early Birthday Run
Wednesday - Kickboxing, BodyPower
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Attempt to run 3 miles, with no breaks
Saturday - Run with breaks, weight lifting
Sunday - More running? Other Cardio

I am going to turn 29 with a bang!


Jen said...

Happy Birthday!!! Hope your birthday run went well!

Anonymous said...

It's about time you came to the classes again - it's sad when I've been more than you. (Like how I can make it look like I've gone a bunch of times without you, when it's really only been once). Anyway, it was good to see you there again, and hopefully I'll be able to make it to most Monday and Wednesday classes this semester since Ryan has class those exact times, so there won't be any dinner at Ryan's with Hannah every other week on Wednesday nights. I couldn't have planned Ryan's schegule better if they would have asked me when to have the class! I'm trying to be positive and optimistic about going twice a week on a regular basis. Actually I think it is harder when it isn't a normal schedule - I will just get used to it and won't even have a reason to try to miss a class.

Happy Birthday!!