I donated blood today. That means I can't work out. I was secretly hoping that one pint of blood might miraculously equal two pounds of weight. Unfortunately due to the free cookies, peanut butter crackers, apple juice and other snacks, I ate more calories before work than I sometimes eat in an entire day. Now I am so pathetically tired (from losing two pounds of blood? Or just getting up early) and I have nothing to do on a Friday night, so I am going to bed at 9pm. I want to get lots of sleep so I can get up early tomorrow and get a really good workout in!
Way to knock something off of your list! It wasn't too bad, was it? The last time I donated blood I was really light headed, and that has kept me from going back.
Let me know when you want to sign up for an appointment again - I know you will. Way to donate blood after all these years... I feel like I'm responsible since I always wanted you to go with me and you never had yet.
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