I haven't started the "healthy eating" portion of my New Year's Resolution yet. But I have been to the gym the last two days. Wednesday afternoon I did quite a bit of elliptical-ing, which I haven't done in quite a while. I wasn't really sweating, but I was a little winded. Then yesterday I noticed a slight pain in my butt muscles. I must have doing something right. Yesterday afternoon I returned home from my mom's football party to find my house very chilly (my programmable thermostat assumed I was at work like most Thursdays, and therefore had set itself at 58 degrees). My intention was to get home, change into gym clothes and head over to Gold's before they closed at 8:00. I was much too cold to change clothes though. So here was my brilliant plan to remedy this situation. I did a combat track (one of three I have saved on my computer from when I found it on YouTube) wearing my jeans, sweater and winter coat. That warmed me up enough to take the coat and sweater off. After another track I was ready to head upstairs and change into my chilly workout clothes. After one more track in my gym outfit, I was almost too warm to put my sweatshirt on to head out the door. I think I found my cure to cold houses and wanting to hide out under my electric blanket. While at the gym I managed to run 3.1 miles. I haven't run since the end of November (yes an entire month off from running) and even then it was like a fast mile. Yesterday I let myself go as slow as needed, and take two walk breaks. But I was still able to do it in 41 minutes (my original 5k speed). From here I build up. I am devising a 10k plan as I type!
Next on my list of New Year, New Me changes: getting up earlier, eating breakfast at home, not being so rushed in the morning, and making it to work on time (not the usual 5 minutes late that I usually am). So this morning I set my alarm 15 minutes earlier, then set my cell phone alarm to ring at exactly 8:00am. This is about 20 minutes earlier than I usually get up. So I allowed myself to take a long shower. I ate my breakfast at home. I turned on my computer and checked my email. I kept wasting time until finally I could let myself leave for work. I was still 5 minutes early. And let's face it, I don't need to give that library any more of my own time than I already do. I guess I need to learn to get ready more slowly, and really that's what this goal is all about: slow down and enjoy life!
my journey to becoming a runner
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Soon you'll love your mornings most of all like Jen does. I don't think I ever will, but maybe I'm just not trying hard enough. Anyway, if you use the Combat method, your heating bills should plummet and you can use all that money you've saved to buy great new workout gear.
I was just going to say, "That's why I get up so early!" Starting the day off right helps the rest of the day. Unless you are going to work, but then you can at least say the first hour of the day was enjoyable!
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