This wasn't the week I hoped it would be. I actually gained a pound; putting me at 17 above my goal. And I had wished for a big loss. This makes me wonder if the 1600 calories is too high, because I really did stick to that guideline. I did eat some salty food last night, which could alter it slightly, but as I mentioned, it hadn't budged all week. I think I will stick with this plan for another week, and then I might have to make some changes. Obviously gaining is not the way I had wanted to go. I am just so aggravated. Sometimes I think I should do some hard-core diet to lose these last pounds. Perhaps low-
carb. eating would be just the boost I needed. But then I remember that I love to eat, and that I like bread too much.
Tonight I am going to go to Combat. Like Jen, I am excited to hear the new songs. I always think that Combat songs are great. What I am most looking forward to is the repetition of the launch songs. I like that we do the same thing for two weeks in a row. It is the only time I really feel like I know what is going on. I do not like this phenomenon in Pump, because I get so tired of the same thing in there. As difficult as Combat is, I am looking forward to it. It's the only thing I have that just melts the fat away!
I have also decided that going to Combat has really helped with the weights in Pump. We're working way more of our muscles in Combat than regular cardio and I think that translates to better results in Pump... Which is an ultimate win-win if you ask me! Let me know what you think about Combat.... and the lunges.
Too bad my neck was broken and I couldn't make it - I would have liked to do the same thing 2 weeks in a row.
I love bread too much too. I don't understand low-carb diets.
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