I'm not gonna say that I did it for you; I did it for me. But I definitely did it because of you! Last night Jen was talking about how she had run three miles for the first time in a long time. And Brandy had me thinking about running this 5k that is coming up in a couple of weeks. I had no idea if I could even manage to run three miles in a row anymore. I haven't tried it since last October when I ran that race. Since then I have been working on running faster but only for shorter periods of time (one minute, one mile, maybe two) and we all know how well I have really done at that. So today after I had a small lunch with my mom, I hit the gym for 45 minutes. I ran 3.1 miles. I let myself do it as slow as I needed to. The first mile was easy, but I wouldn't let myself increase the speed because I wanted to make sure and finish. The second mile was a lot harder, and I let myself stop to drink. Then at about 1.75 miles the lady in front of me got off the elliptical and turned off her fan, which I had also been enjoying the benefits of. By 2 miles I was about to pass out. So I went and got the fan. That helped. I made it to 2.5, but the last .6 was really hard. I had to stop and walk for three minutes. Then I made myself run slightly faster for the last lap or so. I did it all in a little over 37 minutes! Maybe closer to 38, I was so delusional at the end, I wasn't sure when I quit. But it didn't matter, that was a fine time. Now, do I ever want to do that again?!? Perhaps...

Then I went to Jennifer's house and laid around for a couple of hours. Every muscle I had hurt. Including some random ones that I must have used in the 15 minutes Jen and I used Ryan's trampoline last night. But after two hours of cooling down and whining about my pain, I pulled myself up and went to BodyPump. I really wanted to get three sessions in this week, even though I didn't need the hours at the gym. I let myself go easy on a few weights (chest, squats) because I was already soooo tired. But I still got a good workout. Does anyone notice how the lunges without the step seem easy now after using that step so many times. I suppose I could just use it, but I don't want to be that girl in class who is better than everyone else!
I have had a really good week. I ate pretty well, except for several cookies at Ryan's Barbecue. I worked out for 8.5 hours even though 45 minutes was a Pilates DVD that didn't do much for me. I ran over 3 miles; took three BodyPump classes and have lost at least a pound. We'll see what the scale says tomorrow. I am thinking it will be a big loss. I earned 4 points in my CWE (total of 17) and another $16 toward my stereo; I'm about done adding that up, we all know I already use it. My mom said she had gained a pound this week, whereas I had lost a pound as of this morning. So it looks like I am winning!
Good for you on the run! Also, I'm glad to see you admit that you are using the car stereo already - usually when I say that, you deny it and claim that since you're only listening to your ipod it doesn't matter. Anyway, the stereo as a goal seems to be working, even though the reward was premature.
Way to do the run! I knew you could do it. I think the humidity in the air has a lot to do with me sweating, because I know I've worked harder and sweated less. But challenging your body by doing more difficult weights is also a factor when it comes to sweating more. I'm super impressed that you went to Pump even after a challenging run!
Honestly the car stereo challenge never motivated me to get to the gym. It was a nice reward for going, but I never went just because I wanted to add the money to the pot. Maybe that's because I was fine listening to the same station. And then I already had it... This challenge with my mom is going to be better, because I can't control her. She could be losing weight right and left so I have to stay on top of my game!
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