Another slight gain this week. I added another .5 pounds to my total, taking me up to 17.5 left to lose. This has pushed me over the edge; I am going to get back to eating right. Obviously, I have figured out how to eat whatever the hell I want and maintain my weight, but I have not figured out how to eat that much and lose. So I am going back to eating 1200 calories per week. Perhaps with one day a week a little higher. This allows me to celebrate summer occasionally, but keep the calories down the rest of the time. For example: this week, Ryan is having a barbecue on Saturday. As long as I stay at 1200 calories the rest of the week, I will be allowed to eat a yummy cheeseburger and enjoy a summery beverage. I feel like I am going to be really hungry this week, but it's just what I have to do.
Sometimes my family over-exaggerates my weight loss. Yesterday my mom was exclaiming how
tall and skinny I was.
This baffles me a little, because I weight what I did in high school and nobody would have called me skinny then. I mentioned to my mom yesterday that I had 12 pounds left to lose (I really have 17, but 12 would be a great start). She said that she would love to lose about 12 pounds as well. So we are beginning a challenge. You know how that motivates me so. The first one of us to lose those twelve pounds get $25. It's not a lot. But I could buy a new pair of pants. And it's enough that I don't want to lose. So I am starting again. I am going to be more realistic this week. What you can't drink two giant Margarita's and lose weight?
Regardless of what your scale said in high school, with all the pizza, Mt. Dew, and nutty bars we ate EVERY DAY at lunch, there is no way you aren't much more fit now than you were then. You probably look thinner than you did then even though the scale says the same number. Have you overlooked this as an explanation????
It could be that. I figure it was my super-high high school metabolism that allowed me to eat that crap food everyday.
I think the real explanation is just that I did weigh more, and lost it, and now people are impressed with how different I look, when it's how I looked 10 years ago and they don't remember. I don't know, we'll find a high school picture and see if I look any different... besides looking OLD!
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