my journey to becoming a runner

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Weekend Woes

I haven't had a great weekend. I probably ate too much, although not more than 1500 calories each day. I didn't work out at all: I was busy working and shopping and celebrating Mother's day with my family. Grandma made banana bread -- I can't pass that up. So I only logged four hours of gym time this week: two BodyPumps an hour of running and Combat. On top of that my weight went up about three pounds this morning... I don't know what's up with that. But get this: yesterday I bought a pair of size 10 pants that fit! Well, fit tightly, but I can button them!! That was my ultimate goal; to wear a size 10. That is definitely motivating. I feel like I am almost there. I just have to work really hard for the next couple of months, and then I can get on with my life and real life goals!


Jen said...

I hear ya on the weekend woes. This week shall be better (as long as we can avoid birthday cake next weekend).... maybe I could bring a healthy and yummy dessert for celebrating? Ask around and see what the birthday girl's thoughts are! (Or, if she's reading this, what do you think? Me bring dessert? Let me know!)

Anonymous said...

I was planning on making chocolate cupcakes from the Hungry Girl cookbook. They look relly good and have 100 calories for a regular size cupcake. But I've been needing a reason to try them -- I don't need 11 cupcakes left around my house after I have sampled one. SO I figured her birthday would be the perfect time.