Today will be my last Monday morning weigh in. My 17 week, Summer's coming plan is over. This morning I weighed in at 14 pounds from goal. That is a 4 pound loss from last week, but not exactly where I wanted to be when I began. I knew they were lofty goals though: always staying at 1200 calories, going to the gym seven hours a week, losing two pounds each week. So I can't say I am disappointed in myself. Only that more miracles didn't occur along the way. I can't be upset right, I did lose 20 pounds in the 16 week journey! Beginning Thursday I am going to start a new fitness plan. It will be very similar to the last one. But, I enjoy weighing in on Thursdays more. And it will be only a 10 week plan, entitled:
Countdown to my High School Reunion. I have ten weeks, and approximately 14 pounds to lose. I also have to get a smashing haircut and a kick ass outfit, but that goes without saying!

Because today was a holiday, and class schedules are all different, and because my work schedule this week is completely crazy, I went to BodyPump this morning. Lately, everyone's been playing new (or old) songs that I don't know. I don't enjoy that as much. I have my favorites, and I prefer if they stick to those. I have done calf raises the last two sessions I went to, which I think is an important part of any lunge track. I secretly think that the calf raises I have been doing every day at my house are beginning to pay off, but I can't measure again until June! Backtrack was super-hard today. How many clean and presses can you do in one song? And I went light on Biceps because I knew I would be working my arms more later.
Then in a completely crazy: I-have-today-off-and-then-absolutely-no-free-time-this-week way, I stuck around for Combat. I was a little worried because it wasn't my normal time of day to go. But Brandy joined me, which was great, and we had our regular instructors, so all was good. I am definitely understanding it more. I can't say that taking Combat after Pump was any more difficult that taking it after a nine hour work day. The problem today was the 300% humidity in the room. But at least we were all dripping with sweat, so it wasn't just me. Some girl who I went to high school with and have never spoken to a day in my life, told me that I looked good. I thought to myself
Do I really look that much different than I did in high school? The truth is, I probably have more muscles now, which make me look better, even if I do weigh the same. I didn't talk to her long because she was taking up my precious water break!
It feels great to have two hours done for the week on the first day. It sets me up nicely for my crazy-busy, summer-reading's-starting, split-shift-working, extended-family's-in-town-for-a-reunion week. Ready of not, here I come!
Sounds like a busy week! Way to start it off right. And (although I know you know) I will remind you anyway that an average of 1-2 pounds lost a week is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. I think in those 9-plus months the most I lost in a week was 3 pounds. Keep up the hard work - it's worth it!
So, are you telling me that summer is finally officially here? I've been waiting for it forever it seems and so far it has been colder than I think it should be, with the exception of a few random days. You're really preparing for the reunion, is it wrong that I don't really care that much about it? I guess it's all about my philosophy that I probably won't really talk to people other than the ones I have kept in touch with anyway, and they already know what I look like now. Maybe I'm weird. Anyway, you sure used a lot of hyphens in this entry. Too bad I couldn't join you for the Pump/Combat routine. I should definitely go with you Wednesday morning, otherwise I won't go again until after I get back from Boston and Colorado, which would be a really long break from the gym. So I guess you can count me in, officially.
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