Today is Jennifer's birthday. We started her 28
th year (wait, is this her 29
th year?) by making it to morning
BodyPump. I even got her to increase her
tricep weight because a) I know she can be stronger than ever in this next year and b) I knew it was a semi-easy song
(Sexy Back), so it would be a perfect time to increase. In fact, I thought about moving up to a large just this once, but I was more worried about Jeffy. She powered through it like the superstar she is! After class she took off to do some fun birthday things with Ryan, while I readied for a busy day. I will be spending the afternoon making hungry girl Chocolate Cupcakes. I am hoping to get a
cardio workout in this afternoon, just to beautify my calves for any skirt/
capris I might be wearing this evening. I want to do a little shopping at the mall; I have become a bit of a shop-a-
holic once again. I also need to get to the grocery store to get some yummy drink ingredients. Then tonight we will go out to dinner for Jennifer's birthday and enjoy a little mini-golf. Then back to her house to sample the cupcakes and fruity drinks! What a way to celebrate!
I have made it to three
BodyPumps this week. If I get that hour of
cardio in today, I will be done with my seven hours. I will probably hit the gym again tomorrow -- making a total of eight hours this week. What can I say? I have had a good gym schedule this week. That doesn't even count the heavy amount of work I did Friday. I have a huge project that I am calling
The Bethany Picture Book Revival. It involved me sorting through thousands of books and lifting/boxing hundreds of them. It also required me to squat several times over the duration of several hours (because picture books are on the floor). The scale doesn't seem to be noticing all this hard work I have put in this week. Tonight probably won't help either. Although, the cupcakes I am making for Jennifer's gathering only have 100 calories per full-sized cupcake. I hope they don't taste like dirt!
UPDATE: The cupcakes are really good, but I didn't get any cardio done this afternoon. I went shopping and bought some stuff, much of which is a size smaller!! I'll have to try not to drink too many yummy beverages!
1 comment:
yay for a trip to the gym on my birthday! Also for your new shopping addiction - here's hoping you don't take me too far into the addiction with you. After all, you deserve a new wardrobe - I don't.
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