Yuck! Today I had a dentist appointment. There are very few things that I fear more than visiting the dentist. They poke and prod and hurt me for well over an hour. There is something about sharp pointy devices heading straight for my mouth that makes me shudder. And then they yell at me. Luckily this time the didn't mention my gums or heart disease and death at all. So really it was a good day. They told me I have have have to get my wisdom teeth out before I see them again. And then they acted like it was no big deal; like they would just pop out in two seconds. I told them:
"Easy for you to say, you don't have a dental phobia!" That shut them right up. Other than that, they told me I had beautiful teeth. I promised myself that I would reward myself with something great after my appointment. (I have rescheduled three times in the last two months, because the fear was taking over.) Jennifer said I should come over and get ice cream at the Dairy Store near her lab, but that was too many calories. I thought about going shoe shopping, because that's just about my favorite thing in the world to do, but I have spent all my money in the last week. So instead, I went to Walgreen's and bought some stuff to give myself a home pedicure. That is what I did this afternoon. I have wanted this Sally Hansen foot-buffing ring for some time now; so I splurged and bought one of those. My feet are very smooth right now. Then I bought some new polish and painted them a nice spring shade. What I nice way to spend a beautiful spring afternoon: burning up some sick leave (because of the mental anguish of going to the dentist) and getting an at-home-pedicure!

This evening I will get to the gym. First I will go at 5:45 to get a little cardio in before BodyPump. Has anyone noticed how much more difficult squats are after you have walked uphill for thirty minutes? Then Erin, Jennifer and I will hit the weights. Next, I told Brandy that I would stay after Pump to get another half an hour in. So I will get two full hours done this evening.
At work this morning Erin was reading to me from a new book called
The No-Cardio Diet (or something like that). Apparently the hormones used to do cardio counter-act with the one used to do weight training. And since we all agree now that weight training burns a lot of calories plus has all those lean muscle benefits, that is all the author believes you need to do. What if I took the entire month of June off from cardio and did like 5 hours of weight-lifting a week. I wonder what would happen. We didn't finish the book this morning, so it may have some twist ending like:
oh yeah, it takes 7 years to lose any weight. Just something to think about.
I'm already doing no cardio - it's not doing much for me except I have some new muscles. I'm not really trying to lose weight though, so I guess I'm not that good of a test subject. It's an interesting idea - but I think some of those recommendations are just made to sell something. And what about your health - isn't cardio good for your heart and stuff???
Yeah Yeah, he says" cardio makes your heart stronger. But doesn't help with the weight loss. Especially since people then eat more because they worked out hard. Erin says she definately eats more after working out. But sometimes I work out soo hard (Combat) that I don't feel like eating.
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