my journey to becoming a runner

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Defying Gravity

Well I did it! I accomplished my hour run/walk. It has been a long time since I have run outside (Oct. 20ish). It is a totally different experience: the hills, the wind, the scenery, the lack of water. I have a lot of new running accessories now that I did not have the last time I went out: the NikePlus system, a heart rate monitor, a Dryfit shirt to keep the sweat off of me, and those pretty pink and white shoes that haven't yet touched cement besides the space between my car and the gym. So although, these didn't make my run any easier, it sure did make it more interesting. I made a great playlist of my favorite Wicked songs on repeat. I set my NikePlus for one hour, so it gave me updates every five minutes and then I made myself run every other song. I ran down to Mahoney Park and all the way through it. I was almost to my library when it was time to turn around. I thought about stopping in -- but I wasn't sure if I would make it back if I ever stopped. I made it almost 4.5 miles at an average pace of 13.3 minute miles (including the walking)! That's really good for me. My ovary didn't even hurt, even though this is my 'key ovary week'. A few bad things did happen: I dropped my Ipod (I forgot that the Nike chip prevents the arm holder from working, and as soon as I started running it fell out and got scratches in it. Often, after running for five-minutes my heart rate monitor didn't work. Once, I thought I might be having a heart-attack, but alas, my heart rate monitor would give me no indication, so I didn't worry about it. I also spit on myself once, which is totally gross, but I just can't run without water and with all that extra spit in my mouth. And almost worse of all, my underwear kept falling down, even though my shorts stayed up fine. This sounds strange, but I think that my underwear is too big, and I had to keep pulling it up... a problem I have never had before. On a better note: because I did an extra 10 minutes warming up and cooling down, I only have to do 30 minutes of cardio tomorrow before BodyPump! All-in-all a great workout. My mind was occupied the entire time by Wicked songs until the very end, when I realized that I had never run outside that much or that well all alone. That made me start crying when I got back home, because quite frankly being an independent runner is not something that I really want to be.


Jen said...

What a nice way to start the weekend! A good run outside always feels awesome (I can almost remember the awesome feeling!). I hear what you're saying about running alone. When you have a good day, it's not so bad, but the day I ended up two miles from home and having to sit on the sidewalk because I felt dizzy and sick and I didn't know anyone's phone number because of stupid cell phones...that was scary! But it is so hard to run with a phone. Anyway, great job. Hopefully if my knee feels better I can go for a run outside too!

BrandyGirl said...

Keep up the good work!!! I yook the plunget yesterday and registered for the half marathon. I guess that means I'm committed. I need the motivation and could always use a partner. Call me anytime, sometimes that's just all I need. I don't think my phone dials out...ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand what you guys mean when you say an outside run always feels awesome, because basically anytime I run I pretty much feel anything but awesome, more like I'm about to die. And I don't get a big enough sense of accomplishment from the run to make it all worth it. But I'm glad for you and your fun new shoes!