All I have to say is: About...
Freakin'... Time! I lost 4 pounds this week. Well, actually six pounds if you figure that my scale went up two more on Tuesday, but we won't count that. From last Monday, I am four pounds lighter. This is still not where I intended to be 9 weeks ago when I began the countdown to summer, but it's well on its way. After today's weigh-in I have 22 pounds left to lose -- in eight weeks. That might be a little difficult, unless this new four pound weight-loss is here to stay. I really felt like I took control of my eating this week, and that is what really helped (baring those three delicious chocolate chip cookies that I ate Friday night - and if I had it to do over again, I would have eaten four!!) Ultimately though, I have no idea why it works some weeks and not others. At least the fact that it happens at all keeps me slightly motivated. Please remind me of this when I lose no weight in the future!
I only have to work four days this week, and then I treated myself to a three-day weekend! It should be a good week. My
BodyPump schedule will be off because I have to work Thursday evening. I am hoping to go visit my friend Jen in Omaha so I can check out her totally cool
BodyPump instructor. But class starts at 9am, and I have to drive to Omaha before that, and that's earlier than I even get up to go to work! So we'll have to work out more details later in the week. Either way, I am determined to get three lifting sessions in this week. Jen says she can really see the results from going three times per week. I am not sure if I can, besides complete soreness. I need to take some good measurements of myself. I really haven't done that in the last six months. That's the only way to tell. Oh yeah, I am wearing smaller pants today! And they are staying up on their own! It's a beautiful thing.
Should I admit now that I was with you for the chocolate chip cookie incident, so I don't get accused later of being your bad eating friend? Just kidding - maybe the problem is I wouldn't have stopped you from having 4, but then you would've put on your blog that you wanted 4 and I would've felt bad. I want to help you eat healthier too, it's just way more difficult if we go out to eat. So our new plan to cook extra healthy will make it ok to be a little less healthy when we go out to eat - at least that's my plan.
Yay Karrie! Way to stick to your goals! Aren't you glad now that you didn't just take a whole week off? I knew that the numbers would come out right eventually.
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