Can you believe that June 1st is less than five weeks away. That is a scary thought. As I mentioned, I didn't have high hopes for this morning's weigh-in. I lost another .5 pounds taking me down to 19 left to lose. After having a heart-to-heart talk with Jen I am more sure than ever that I will be done once I lose those 19 pounds. Sometimes I use to have thoughts like:
what if I get to my goal weight and I'm still fat. But she helped me put those thought to rest. And knowing that I only have 19 pounds to go is a huge motivator. Who cares if I spend the next few months wasting my life at the gym: I will have something to show for it. Obviously I will not be at my goal weight in five weeks. For now, I plan to just keep
truckin' along. When my five weeks are up, I plan to re-evaluate and get a new timeline for my final 10
ish pounds. Ultimately, I want to be there by my
high school reunion, which is coming up at the beginning of August. I think that could be done.
Moving on... I am really hoping to have a good two-pound-loss week. I have mentioned that my work schedule is crazy. Other than that, I don't have many high stress days this week, no birthday parties, no events that will require me to eat unhealthily. I intended to get some gym time in this morning, but now it is 11:45 and I haven't gotten there yet. I am supposed to meet Jennifer at lunch at 1:00 so it doesn't look like the morning workout will happen. I
will be at Combat tonight for a great hour of sweating. According to a site I use online, this class will burn 850 calories. I believe it. Maybe I should start counting calories burned instead of hours at the gym. I am pretty bored with
cardio workouts right now. I just need the weather to get a little nicer so I can do some stuff outdoors. Every day that has been above 70 degrees has been super windy, that or I am at work all day.
I still say congrats to a half pound loss. Even with all that food and wine Saturday night! Weight loss is a slow process (I like to think of it as, "it took me all these years to get to this weight, so obviously it's not going to magically disappear!"), and sometimes tedious and annoying, but once you reach your goal weight you will feel like the awesomest person alive (you should feel that way already, but anyway).
I like to see that you make realistic goals instead of some impossible goal that you could never achieve and would probably quit. You've made a lot of progress already and now it's the last stretch and the finish line is almost in sight! Way to go!
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