my journey to becoming a runner

Monday, April 14, 2008

7 weeks till Summer

Another fine weigh-in this morning. I lost another two pounds! I was secretly hoping for three, just to push past the 20 pound mark. But oh well, I will wait for that next week. Beggars can't be choosers right! I am just happy with the two pound loss and the fact that I have lost 14 pounds in the last 10 weeks (since I have started this countdown to summer). On a much scarier note, summer is less than two months away and I have a lot of planning to do for work. I must work at keeping my stress levels low and my workout times high, even when work gets busy and time-consuming.

This losing weight thing seems to be working again. So I have been asking myself what I am doing right this time around. Three things I can think of: I am really watching everything I eat, not sneaking in a bite of something here and there. I have been drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day. And I have been trying to eat really light on Sunday, so that my weight doesn't jump when Monday morning comes. There is nothing more disappointing than being low all week and then seeing a higher number come weigh in time.

For three weeks in a row now I have made it to BodyPump three times. I think, maybe, finally, I have stopped being so sore. The higher weights I have been using have now become normal weights. So as I mentioned, Tuesday it's time to increase again. This time, I am only raising one body part at a time; Tuesday: Biceps. This week seems to be a normal week schedule-wise. Here is my projected workouts for the week. It gives me a goal to aim for if I post it on here, and it allows people to workout with me when they are available.
Monday - Cardio at 7:00 (for Dancing with the Stars)
Tuesday - BP and 30 minutes of Cardio
Wednesday - OFF
Thursday - BP and 30 minutes of Cardio
Friday - OFF
Saturday - BP and 1 hour of Cardio
Sunday - Cardio (anytime)
Here's to being at 18 pounds next week at this time!!!


BrandyGirl said...

You go girl! I though I would have a normal BP schedule, but forgot our "team building" meeting the marketers are having Tuesday night. But E said he wanted to go to the gym today, so I will see you at 7pm tonight!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't working out lower stress levels?? That means the more stressful work is, the more important the gym is. Maybe that will help you get to the gym, at least psychologically.

Great job on the 2 more pounds! Maybe Sunday meals were killing you overall somehow, not just your weekly weigh-in. Nice to see everything is working like it should lately.