my journey to becoming a runner

Saturday, March 22, 2008

My Friend Amy

My friend Amy has a government job, in which she's not allowed to waste tax-payers time and money (we can all relate to that right?). So although she says she reads my blog on work time, she doesn't allow herself to make comments (I wouldn't want her to get in trouble either!) But she said in an email the other day (because emailing on work time is a completely good use of tax funds) that by reading my blog, I have really inspired her! She has joined a gym, she is training to run a 5k at the end of May and she has begun taking a class they call Body Power, a class very similar to BodyPump. (I wonder if they have a song called Make your Body Power, it just doesn't have the same ring to it). Anyway, I wanted to congratulate Amy, who doesn't waste her own time updating a workout blog, but instead actually spends her time working out. She is a super-star! Way to go Aim! And, not that she wasn't buff and healthy before, but think of how much more productive she is at work now that she is working out more! That's something that the federal government should be thanking me for!

Now to my own workout woes... I made it back to the gym last evening, for another hour of cardio. We did stair climbing (up to level 3 for me!!) and biking; we were able to watch a little basketball in the meantime. Nothing came close to being as exciting as those afternoon games though! Tonight I had planned to go right after work; I brought my clothes to change into and everything. But my mom had to put a wrench in my plans. Turns out, she thought we were dying eggs this afternoon and has plans this evening. So I have to go over there right after work to dye the eggs so she can get on with her busy social life. I guess, seeing as I have no social life I will try to get to the gym around 8:00 tonight.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Amy will comment on your tribute to her... it would be a good time to comment if she ever was feeling like she wanted to.

Karrie said...

Want to know the best part -- although I wrote this entry at home, I waited until I was on work time to post it! Just in honor of Aim, and sticking it to the man!

Anonymous said...

It's Amy! And I won't tell you where I am, but it's 2:30 on a Monday, so use your imagination. Am I famous now or what?

Jen said...

I love it when people stick it to the man. Way to go guys!