So I had a really bad day at work. Well, I had about an hour of really bad work time, where I broke down crying twice, wanted to walk out once, and am still thinking about contacting a lawyer. But I don't want to go into the details. I also had a really good hour later in the day when I realized I really do love my job, it's just a certain person I can't stand. What it all boils down to is: I ate some crap food, and I felt like I deserved it, because I had a bad day. To give myself credit, I did work out for two hours to relieve the stress as well. When that didn't work, I turned to a deep fat fryer!

I did make it to
Bodypump this evening. I went really light on all my weights though, seeing as I didn't want to injure my back again. Then I stayed after to do some
cardio with Brandy. I had intended to just walk on the treadmill with her for 30 minutes, but she talked me into using the
sitback bikes (as opposed to the upright bikes). She had used them earlier this week, and gotten a really good workout on it. I must have not been working hard enough, cause even though my leg muscles were burning, I wasn't sweating.
At about noon today I came down with a sore throat and as the day went on I ended up with a fever. Tuesday I say I want to work out more
intensely; Wednesday my back goes out and Thursday I get a cold. I really hope that a good night sleep tonight just zaps it out of me. I am going to go take some
NyQuil now!
As much as you hate your job, just remember you could be pushing cow poop through a screen (complete with undigested corn kernels and hair) or smashing mouse poop so it becomes a slurry. Actually I don't do much of that myself, and we haven't done much with cows lately, but still.....
Anyway, hope you're feeling better by the time you read this.
I hope you're feeling better today. I know your day at work yesterday was crap, and I'm sorry you had to deal with all that stuff. Just so you know I really appreciate you sticking up for the rest of us like you do. You're such a good role model for the rest of us on how we should act in all aspects of our job. And I hope you know how much we all appreciate you!!!
Jennifer- That's really gross... did you have to include that on my blog? Remember how I don't want to hear about the little mice you are torturing/killing!! But true, I am glad I do NOT have that job.
Erin- That's sweet. I am really happy I get to work with good people like you! (And 2/3 of the other library staff). If it wasn't for the good days with you people, I would look for another job. But you guys make it all worth it!
Karrie I think you rock no matter what! Plus I owe you for my workout last night. I am sorry I missed Body Pump with all of you, it seemed like a high energy class. I did make it this morning, although it wasn't nearly as high energy. Let's make a date next week, Elijah included, because how could that not brighten everyone's mood? :)
I hope your fever doesn't turn into what Don had. I hope work goes better for you, I understand hating your job. Maybe someday we can all up and quit our jobs and run an inn where we could have a fitness center and serve healthy meals. Even if no one came to stay, we could all be healthy and together!
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