What doesn't the gym understand? When 35 people are running in a room with the heat turned up to at least 70 degrees and the dehumidifier is full to capacity, it is miserable. We walked into the gym yesterday after work (around 6:45) and I swear the humidity was above 100% (if that is even possible). I almost wanted to turn around and walk right back out. I mean just turn down the damn heat people! Or open the door a little. Or empty your dehumidifier so it works a little better. But, we stayed. I had wanted to do some running, but in that heat I only did run/walk intervals for 30 minutes. Then we moved to the elliptical machines, where we finished up our hour.

I made it to Tuesday night
BodyPump. I am planning on adding a third weight-lifting session every week. I really want to work on increasing my upper-body strength before summer -- so I look great in tank tops when the time comes. I may not be able to accomplish this every week, with my work schedule being so chaotic, but it's a goal. I've decided that it burns enough calories to make up for the missing
cardio. And right now
cardio just doesn't interest me. I am having a hard time staying the entire 60 minutes. I think Jen is right -- you have to be watching
tv. My
IPod just isn't keeping me as occupied as it once did.
I had every intention of staying after
BodyPump tonight for some
cardio, but Jennifer seduced me with the talk of food. I agreed to go get something to eat, as long as she would drive, and drop me back off at the gym afterward. But alas, I wasn't up for the gym after my McDonald's salad. And I had to get to my mom's house to dog-sit. I won't be able to get to the gym tomorrow. Dog-sitting really cuts into my working out. My schedule and the dog's schedule just don't seem to match. And if it was so miserable outside we could workout together, but the temperature just isn't right anywhere.
I knew you would try to blame me for not staying at the gym.... Remember when I said I would meet up with you when you were done working out, and how I took you back there? I'd like it on the record that I am supportive of your gym-going.
I hear you on the nasty temperatures. It hasn't been bad at my gym, but I'm usually there in the morning. It's always worse later in the day. Plus, ours smells like new paint sometimes. But if the stupid weather would warm up and start acting like spring already! It's making me cranky! Good luck on working out while dog sitting!
Yes, Jennifer you have been much more supportive of my workout habit lately. I was kidding when I said you "seduced" me. I mean food itself seduced me. And I did mean to go back, it was my own fault that I gave in -- and the fact that I had to get to that dog sitting project.
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