I've decided to focus on the intensity of my workouts. Even though I am putting in seven hours at the gym, I need to make sure that I am burning the optimal calories. I'm going to be working on increasing my levels on the
cardio machines in the same way I am increasing my weight-lifting levels. I am blaming my lack of weight loss on the possibility that my
cardio workouts have stagnated. On top of that, I have decided that I am only allowed to use the bike for 20 minutes per week. Although the bike can be a good workout, I tend to not push myself hard enough unless I am racing someone. For the most part, the bike ends up being a resting place where I never burn enough calories. We'll see how this plan works out. At the very least it gives me something to focus on during
cardio workouts, seeing as how bored I have been lately.
Yesterday my boss said to me:
Karrie you look skinnier every time I see you! Now, first it's important to know that my boss doesn't see me very often, because she calls in sick a lot. But it's still a nice compliment; especially since I haven't lost much weight in the last few months. She paid me this compliment about an hour after she asked me to work a split-shift today just so she could go see a basketball game. I'm gonna go on the assumption that the two are not related!

Because I have to work this evening, I had to make some adjustments with my schedule yesterday. I ended up taking an hour of vacation to make it to the 5:30
BodyPump class. I
hated it. It was super crowded. Nobody wanted to stand in a way that made any sense, so we were just all bunched together in weird areas. And the girls were all these college age chicks who have no life but hanging out and taking classes at the gym (I know this because many of them had stayed after the Step class that was before Pump). It was nice to have my workout over by 6:30 -- the time I usually get home from work. And I am ensuring that I get my three
BodyPumps in this week. I made it to the gym this afternoon in the split portion of my day. I managed to do 20 minutes each of: stairs, elliptical and treadmill. All while keeping the intensity high.
Thanks for the encouragement. I don't know why I need a kick in the pants to get to the gym lately, but I do! Count me in for Thurs night BP and cardio. Sat I will be pathetically running the State Farm 5k and work Sun 12-4. I would be up for a workout Sun at 10 or after 4pm. See you Thurs night and we can work the other details. Plus we all need to hang out and soon! Got some things I need to share with you girls.
I'm so impressed that you used your hour of vacation to go to the gym! That's dedication! I'm sorry it wasn't a great class. Thursday's gonna rock! See you there!
you forgot to mention how the girl I was next to kicked me in the head twice! well actually once in the hand/bar and once in the head. Plus she was tapping her feet so hard my head was bouncing - which wouldn't have been so bad if she could keep the beat for the whole song, not just parts of it. Oh well, guess it makes me appreciate our regular classes more.
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