my journey to becoming a runner

Monday, March 3, 2008

13 weeks till Summer

By some miracles of miracles, I lost two pounds this week! My scale was stuck all week at exactly the same number. I mean completely stuck (and generally my weight goes up as the day goes on). I was at a point where I thought the scale was broken; I even found a five-pound weight to hold as I weighed myself yesterday. That did the trick. So how it went down two pounds overnight, I don't know. But, I am thankful for it. That puts me on schedule to lose 26 pounds in the next thirteen weeks.

All day yesterday I was making excuses for why my weight wasn't moving this week: I only worked out 5 hours; I haven't been writing down everything I ate; I am building more muscle now that I have added weight at BodyPump; I haven't been taking my fish oil pills; I have been too sad to workout vigorously; and I haven't been eating enough fruits and vegetables. But, now regardless of all these things, I seemed to push through. So either - these things don't matter, or I could have done a lot better this week. As I have mentioned though, I feel like I have been given a clean start, and this is going to be a great month!


Erin said...

Woo hoo! Way to go, Karrie! You're my insiration. Keep up the good work. I know you'll make your goal.

Jen said...

It seems when you are focused on the goals, the weight just keeps coming off. Two lbs a week is hard, but you are doing a good job so far. I've also started a weekly Monday weigh-in.
I'll let you know when a good time to hang out will be...right now it's hard, I work until 7 on Fridays and only have Saturday off (I typically work 10-4 on Sundays). If I get another Friday night off I will definitely give you guys a call!