my journey to becoming a runner

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I Can't Stop Eating

There is too much junk food in my house. And I can't make myself throw it away. At least now it is all over a week old and I don't have to eat it anymore. Tomorrow I will throw away the left over fried chicken, the spinach dip, the chocolate fondue. I should also make myself go to the grocery store and buy some healthy fruit and vegetables. But all the martinis still need to be drunk (drank? drunken?), and there is way too many dollars of alcohol in there that I can not pour down the drain. Who will help me drink them? It's not like having a glass of wine with dinner. You don't sit down and drink martinis by yourself.

I was supposed to go running with Brandy this morning but she bailed on me. I can't blame her; she was up late celebrating her 30th birthday. Then I got a call and had to go into work. So I never got around to working out. It was so busy at work today, that I hardly sat down. And for that reason, it seems like I already burned enough calories. But I just came home and ate some chocolate and vanilla wafers. I need to have a good week now. Thanksgiving is just two weeks away, and we know that week will be shot to hell. What am I going to do? I need to stop eating!


Jen said...

I hear ya. I don't even feel like I've been eating nonstop, but I have not had enough time to work out. Hopefully this week I can get more of that done. I took several steps back with my running program, so it's like starting all over again.

Karrie said...

I'm sure you can get back there in a couple of runs. The first one will feel like starting all over but it will come back soon. I just don't know what I am going to do now that it's freezing. Run indoors? Learn to run outside? But leg warmers??!!

Unknown said...

If you join your 3rd gym, don't they have an indoor track for running? It might be an improvement to the tradmill - and you could still talk to Brandy like you do on the trail- just a suggestion. But what do I know about running?