Yowza! I had a half day today so I went to the gym 30 minutes early (even though I wanted to stay home and finish my book) to take the abs class. It wasn't too bad. The teacher, Mike, wasn't real excited about doing abs and the class was really small. So it was more like we did some abs and then sat around a bit. I did hurt myself when I fell off the ball (really I "casually rolled" off the ball) onto a weight I had stacked next to it. I already have a bruise on my shin/knee. I'm sure I will feel it tomorrow though. Another 20 minutes of abs is bound to effect something. Then Brandy joined me for the class, which I am simply going to refer to as: Boxing. It was good. First we warmed up in the gym by running laps and other things such as high knees and side shuffles (groan!). Then we did some sort of interval training where we did some boxing moves (jab, cross, hook, uppercut, front kick, roundhouse)
in between one minute of jumping a rope. Jumping rope is a lot harder than it used to be as a fifth grader during recess. I seem to remember it being fun. But not so much. We were dripping with sweat after just 20 minutes. I never thought I would make it through and at one point Brandy claimed to be too delirious to know what was going on. Mike, the teacher, is a tad annoying in the sense that he doesn't actually do the moves. He just walks around and makes sure that we are doing them right. But he did whip out the punching pads (which he wears on his hands and we punch and kick them). It was amazing how much
stronger you are when you are actually punching against something other than air. But my delicate hands turned red immediately and I even broke a blood vessel and have a little red mark. Good thing I am no longer on "hand-preservation-mode" for the wedding. Brandy thinks we might have to get wraps if we're going to continue with this. Overall though, it reminded me how much easier Spinning is than Kickboxing. I haven't been that tired in a long time. Even running doesn't exhaust me to the same degree. Probably because I can't push myself as hard as an instructor could. I wonder how fast I could run if I took a running class. I'll go again, but I am scared to go without a friend. What if I pass out?
I love that you casually rolled off the ball. That's awesome.
Boxing class sounds good. You could get some workout gloves if you keep going. That will help with the punching.
I have weight lifting gloves, but there is no padding on the knuckles, just the palm. So they probably make gloves with different padded areas.
I should keep going though, I can feel every arm muscle I have today. And probably burned like 1000 calories.
Only you could casually roll off a ball. Did the class believe you when you said you just casually rolled, or did they know you really fell off the ball? That part did make me laugh out loud though!
They actually saw me so they understand the ability to casually roll off of something. And I am not kidding, that is what I did. But I put that in there for those of you that know and love me!
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