It turns out I pretty much have perfected maintaining this weight. For the last two weeks I have eaten everything under the sun and worked out an average of 5 or 6 hours and I have stayed precisely at 15 pounds. I guess it's motivating to know that if I could be happy with this weight I seem to have found the right habits to keep it here.
Upsettingly, I am not happy at this weight and therefore I must change something (or lots of somethings) if I do want to see a change. First and foremost I need to watch what I am eating. I have been saying that for the last week and you're probably getting tired of reading about it. I did pretty well today. I did let myself have a little bit of chocolate, but other than that, I kept my meals small and healthy. How good for you are Graham Crackers? Secondly, I need to get back to working out seven or eight hours a week. I hate to commit to that much time at the gym because it really gets in the way of having a social life. But the truth is: I don't have a social life, and if I continue to run with Brandy once a week I am combining exercise and socializing. Either way, I need to commit to this.
As much as I have grown to love Spinning and the gals I have befriended in class, I am eager to try kickboxing again. I mentioned that Wednesdays were more of a boxing class now and Brandy and I are going to try it this week. But today I saw that the Monday teacher has changed as well. I have no idea what kind class she will teach. But I did hear her tell Mary that she taught at Gold's several years back (I don't remember her). I would love to be able to mix up my workout depending on what I felt like and how much my legs wanted to be exhausted versus my
upperbody. Speaking of my
upperbody: it's hard to keep using the Medium and Small weights during the shoulder track. Before I would just keep repeating:
you must have great shoulders for Jennifer's wedding. Now that it's over, what do I shout at myself?
You must have great shoulders for your 30th birthday, even if they are covered by a sweater because it's cold! That's what you should shout.
And then after your birthday, you must have great shoulders to lounge by the pool because by then it will be time to think about summer!
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