my journey to becoming a runner
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Can you Believe it?
After staying up way to late, enjoying (read: drinking) being 25 with some of my co-worker's friends, I rolled out of bed around 10:30 this morning. I had tons of things I wanted to get done today, and was a little upset that I had slept so late. However, I haven't been able to sleep-in in a long time, so I really think I deserved this! I had to give Erin a ride to her car (at the shop) so that got me out of the house. It was perfect. I easily could have stayed in my warm bed and watched tv for at least another hour. But this way, I picked her up, got to the gym, the grocery store, and made it home all by 1:30. Now I have the whole afternoon to clean up this messy house, and make yummy snacks for Jen's New-Years-Rockin'-Eve Party!
I really wanted to get a good cardio-equipment workout in today. I have been so bored lately by the treadmills and other cardio machines that I haven't been able to stay at the gym the entire hour. I also have a really hard time working up a sweat unless I am running (or taking kickboxing) so I often feel that walking on the treadmill or using the elliptical machines isn't hard enough. Or I just can't push myself to the level I need to be working at. So even though I was feeling dehydrated from an evening of drinking, I made myself walk as fast as possible, on the steepest incline I could handle. Then I switched over to the elliptical where I went as fast as I could (running) and burned a bunch more calories. Now, if I could just stop eating the Peanut Butter cups, things would start looking up!
Thanks for being there with me through 2008. I wouldn't have made it without you guys!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
- Rid the house of left over Christmas candies/cookies/treats.
- Fold all the laundry/clothes laying around the house.
- Make time to workout every day.
- Go to the grocery store and get some healthy foods for the first time in months.
- Put away all the Christmas gifts/receipts.
- Return all the things that didn't quite work out.
- Turn up the heat, so my house isn't so cold, and makes me want to just lay under a blanket.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Less Time Now
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
I got in a pretty good workout on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately there were no classes at Goodyear; they closed at 3:00. So after I got off work at 4:00 I headed over to Gold's (there are some good reasons to have two gyms) and worked out for 50 minutes. I find gym cardio to be so insanely boring that I just couldn't make myself stay for ten more minutes. Then I celebrated with my mom by eating some creamy soup. There was no working out on Christmas, because they gym had some absurd hours (10-4) in which I was busy during all of them. On top of no calories burned, I ate a huge amount of them. I skipped the pie, but that's easy for me. I made up for it with stuffed mushrooms, manacotti, fudge, Oreo balls, sugar cookies, etc... But that's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Vote Early, Vote Often
Monday, December 22, 2008
You'd think that this fact would have inspired me to turn around and eat as health-full-ly as possible this week. And it did. I started out on a great foot: picked a healthy granola bar for breakfast, packed a nutritious lunch, brought my gym clothes for my two hours of gym time this evening. But as soon as I walked in the door at work, these cinnamon rolls were staring at me. After thirty minutes of still wanting one, I gave in. I microwaved it so it would be ooey-gooey and warm. Unfortunately I killed it. The frosting melted everywhere and it was a crusty as a crouton. Even though I wanted to get another, I threw it away and went on with my morning. Then I ate a whole bunch of chocolate that someone brought in. What is it with people and the holidays and food and sharing with others. We don't all want to be as fat as you Santa!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Omaha Classes
I am starting to feel sore today though. Almost like someone kicked me in the ribs. Since Combat has no physical contact, I can only guess that Jennifer must have kicked me in my sleep (we were sharing a double bed in Jen's guest room). I'm a little worried that as the day goes on I am going to feel even more sore. And I don't even want to think about tomorrow. I am going to make myself get to the gym today for some nice hill walking. Apparently Jen might want us to wear short dresses to her wedding, and that is going to mean a complete overhall of my calves as well as my upper-body. Time to start worrying more about that I guess!
Friday, December 19, 2008
How Far Would You Go?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
More Trumps Sore
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Three Weeks Away
To get to the point: I am three weeks away from turning 29. The big 2-9. The last year of my twenties. What do I want to get done in the next three weeks? Where do I want to be when I start the last year of my youth? What are my goals? And thinking even bigger: I want to make 29 a great year. So I want to come up with a list of goals to accomplish in my 29th year of life. What things do I want to have done by the time I am 30. Thirty years old. I think I need a minute...
Help me make a list!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Where Have I Been?
Then I had a whole bunch of errands to run. I needed to finish up my Christmas shopping. Amid all the running around, I allowed myself to eat McDonald's for dinner. What is it they say about eating high calorie foods right after you burn a whole bunch? Something about your metabolism being at its highest and therefore kicking those calorie's ass's? Oh well, it was still a bunch of calories in; but when was the last time I savored a yummy french fry?
This week is shaping up to be a great workout week. Two classes this evening, two classes on Wednesday evening. Then I plan to be in Omaha Saturday morning, so hopefully we can fit in two more classes then. When was the last time I took three weight lifting classes in one week? Early August? Late July? It seems so very long ago!
Friday, December 12, 2008
A Workout Blog?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Two Teeth = Four Pounds
I have a long day of work today (eleven hours) and then I need to spend time this evening getting ready for a job interview I have tomorrow. It's for a great job that I am hardly qualified for, let alone have any chance of getting. But I really should take the interview more seriously. I also have to get up early tomorrow morning for a staff breakfast, which I will need to make/buy something for tonight. On top of all of that, I got very little sleep last night (five hours) which I need to make up for tonight. So I'll get off work at 8:00, stop by the grocery store and be home by 8:45, review some interview questions for an hour, and try to be in bed by 10:00. Sounds like a plan!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Jillian Always Wins
As far as my working out goes: nowhere. Today I was too weak to do any exercise. I haven't been able to eat any nutrients for two days, so I didn't have enough strength to make it down the stairs let alone to the gym. Tonight I think that I was able to eat a little better. Hopefully I will be back to normal tomorrow because I plan to make it back to my kickboxing/bodypower combo!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Fat Teeth

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Back to it
One month from today is my 29th birthday. I feel good for twenty-nine; I am probably in the best shape of my life. I guess that's a plus. So I tried not to be upset when the 36-year-old manager of McDonald's (yes I let myself eat dinner at McDonald's) called me young lady. I mean, maybe I still look twenty-four. That can't be a bad thing.
I am not going to Columbus this weekend. So I should be able to get another hour of workout time in tomorrow. I am going out to dinner tomorrow evening as a last supper event. I have no idea when I will be able to eat real food again after my wisdom teeth extraction. I am trying to think of a really good/chewy/crunchy dinner to eat. Maybe chips and salsa? I am going to enjoy the juice stop drinks I will be able to drink on Monday. And the Jamocha shakes from Arbys. And I am most looking forward to the three days I have off from work. Oh yeah, and the laughing gas they'll be giving me. That sounds pretty great. I wish I could get some at home!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Not Since Monday
The more I don't work out the easier it is for me to eat like crap. This week I have allowed myself fries, a brownie, Chinese food, cookies and a hostess snack cake. I mean, what do I think is going to happen? The fat in the food will disappear with the warm temperatures? I think that I have gained 4 pounds since last week. And seeing as I won't be doing a ton of exercising in the next few days, I probably need to get a lid on my eating. I guess it's good news that I will have huge holes in my mouth next week and won't be able to chew anything.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Bad Worker-Outer-er
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
New Gym Friends
After starting my week off with two good hours of working out, I am taking this evening off. Some of my work people are going out to Mazatlan for one of our employee's last days of work. I could try to get to the gym before we meet for Margaritas at 8:00. But I have a lot of errands to run. And sometimes I get tired of going places sweaty. Sure these people already know how cute and good smelling I am in real life. But, there's no reason to confuse them! Hello yummy drinks, goodbye gym time!
Monday, December 1, 2008
I Know, I Know
Monday -- Kickboxing, BodyPower
Tuesday -- Hour of treadmill: attempted to run, stopped, walked hills
Wednesday -- Kickboxing, BodyPower
Thursday -- Early trip to the gym where I walked, and amt'ed for an hour.
Rest of the Weekend -- NOTHING
So here's a little recap of my eating last week:
Monday -- Perfect
Tuesday -- Perfect
Wednesday -- was so proud of myself for doing 2 hours of gym time when nobody else did, that I took myself out for Margaritas and the cheesiest nachos that I have ever had.
Thursday -- told myself I could eat anything I wanted (besides pie) because I had worked out. Didn't even miss the pie. Later in the evening I wanted chocolate, my mother didn't have any, so we made chocolate chip cookies. I think this was the first time I have made cookies (from scratch, not just cut and bake) in like 6 years. And the last time I was at Amy's house and she wouldn't let me eat the raw cookie dough (the best part). Something about salmonella or something. It was heaven. I like cookie dough better than anything else in the ENTIRE world!!!
Friday -- early morning shopping, but fine eating. Made turkey chili for the game, nobody noticed that the beef was missing. Enjoyed leftover pumpkin pie, without the crust!
Saturday -- more Christmas shopping, still craving chocolate, ate very-gooey-brownie instead of dinner (at Panera), then let myself have (unbuttered) popcorn at movie. A good trade off.
Sunday -- didn't eat much, but what I did eat was left-over junk food. Gotta get back on track. When was the last time I ate a vegetable? Besides potatoes? and green-bean casserole?
Tonight I am supposed to have two special friends at Kickboxing. Jennifer still can't go (her back/neck has been hurting her). But Brandy called to say that she would be joining me. And possibly my friend Sara. I love converting new people! I am mostly excited that I don't have to go alone again!