Anyway, Sunday I made it to the gym and ran uphills for awhile. It was very difficult to run at a 5% incline at 5.0mph. I could really feel it in my calves, and I am excited to try it again to work those muscles more. I could only keep it up for a minute at a time, but that's enough. And I am dreading Atlanta and its hills even more.
Tonight I made it to BodyPump (I had to work until 6:00 so I couldn't make it to Kickboxing too). I went up on my squat weight even though I was sore for three days last week. I figure, I just need to jump back into it. So although squats were very difficult I powered through. Here's where it killed me though: we did lunges on the step and my legs were already shaking, so I had to stop using the bench half way through. It is also difficult to do knees and squeeze moves when my legs are shaking. Come to think of it, everything is much more difficult when your legs don't want to hold you up any longer. I am planning to make it back to another session this week. I will have to check my schedule. And I am hoping to only hurt for two days instead!
I have been craving sweet/comfort foods all day long. I wanted to go home and make cookies or cake. Macaroni and cheese sounds great, as does french fries and creamy soups. I allowed myself to go out for dinner at Braeda. I got half of a melty-cheesy sandwich to satisfy my craving and then I got a salad! I'm not craving cookies so much anymore, so maybe it worked.
What do you mean you're dreading the 5K in Atlanta??? Where's your spirit of competition, if not with the other runners, then with the clock?? How do you expect me to be excited about a race when YOU are dreading it? Do I have to be happy about it for both of us - I don't know if I'm qualified for that.
I meant the hills -- I am dreading the hills. Not the run... I am pretty excited for the run. I am going to attempt another 3.1 miles tonight with my mom's dog. I don't think we'll go over to the nature trail though. Just around the neighborhood!
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