So I am feeling great today. I am beginning with 18 pounds left to lose. (I even lost two pounds in the last week of eating out.) I am committing to eating 1300 calories a day, and working out six-seven hours per week. I plan on having a big loss this first week, since I will be limiting my calories again after several weeks of eating whatever I please.
I started out my new life at the gym this morning. On today's agenda: a 5k at a 4.7 mph rate. Nothing impossible, that 12:45 mile felt really comfortable to me. I took a couple of walk/drink/sweat wiping breaks and ended the last 300 meters in a sprint of 9:30 miles. I haven't noticed an improvment in my regular running since doing the speed/hill intervals, but I definatly notice that I can sprint for a few minutes a lot easier than I used to be able to. Perhaps I should give up my dream of 5k running and switch to sprinting. Maybe I could become really good at that. Anyway, I accomplished today's goal! I am back on track, and it's going to be great!
Yay for weight loss!! And way to do the run, even if it was a slower pace than what you'd like. Speed will come. I think I got faster by running the last few minutes harder every time I ran. I'm still trying to do that, but I don't know if it's working this time yet.... I'll let you know when I do.
I think your actual speed is way less important than just completing your goals and improving. Isn't this whole training session for the upcoming 5k? As long as you do a little bit better than last time, you're still doing great! Even though it can be frustrating to work at something and only see small steps forward as a result of your efforts.
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