my journey to becoming a runner

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ten Things that Make me Smile

I am going to steal a page off of Erin's blog and list the ten things that make me smile. Because sometimes a little reminder is all you need. I challenge all of you to do the same. See if you can get up to ten things, twenty-five, fifty.

1. My friends!
2. Hugs from preschoolers.
3. New haircare products and all the hope they hold.
4. New blogs to read and/or comments to respond to.
5. Buying shoes.
6. Newly fallen snow.
7. Seeing the scale drop.
8. New magazines in the mail.
9. Running faster every week.
10. The smell of rain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You want everyone else to list 25 or even 50, where's the rest of yours? I like to think I was represented in almost half of those things listed, and considering I can't be responsible for things like the rain or snow, that's not too bad.