my journey to becoming a runner

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Money Diet

Beginning September 1st (Monday) I am putting myself on a strict money diet. I absolutely need to start saving up for a new car. The one I have has no air conditioning, so I must unload it before Summer comes around again. It has been hard enough just getting through August; which has actually had really lovely weather. So I need to change my saving routine from: nothing to: $500 a month. In order to do this, I must learn to live on just $60 a week. This won't include bills or even gas for my car. It will include all eating (out and in) and all shopping (clothes and shampoo). I believe this is manageable if I do plenty of planning. It is also going to be great for my eating "diet". We all know that eating out is too costly, both on my waist band and my wallet. So I will be eating in more often, making dinners and surviving on cereal. It's too bad that healthy foods cost more than cheap processed crap.

For about four days last week my weight went up a pound. Every morning was more depressing as I saw the number on the scale grow and grow and grow. But the last three days it has gone down a pound each morning. And although I don't know what is causing it, I really like it.

I took yesterday off to rest. I also was busy all evening going to the state fair. Today I have dinner plans with my mom, but I am hoping to hit the gym this evening for some cardio and weights. I am sad again today because it was suppose to be the beginning of my Thursday afternoon Combat class. I was off at 2:00 today so I could take that class, but instead I came home and ate. I had a house inspector coming to look at my house this afternoon, otherwise I would have gone to the gym anyway with my time off. Excuses, excuses.


Jen said...

Excuses are so easy to make, aren't they? I've been making a lot of them lately.... Especially when it comes to working out.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you shouldn't advertise that your car doesn't have A/C in case a potential buyer reads this blog....

Karrie said...

I don't think that you, or Jen or Brandy or Erin or Amy are in the market for my 95, rusty, hot, honda, with a brand new stereo! And new tires!