I started my day off at
BodyPump. It was really hard to get up this morning, because I couldn't get to sleep last night until after 2am. But I love Saturday morning Pump, and I am glad that I went. This was the first time in a long time (months?) that Jennifer, Brandy, Erin and I were all there. Ryan had us add smalls on the end of our bar during the Chest track. This was a great opportunity for me to try the large weight, without the commitment of using it the entire time. The idea was that at the break you could let the small weights fall off, because they were on the outside of the bracket. It felt pretty good, but one of mine fell off about half-way to the break. And since, I didn't want to be lop-sided, I dropped the other one as well. We did a lunge track with the step which was great and grueling as always and I attempted the medium and small for biceps. Nearly impossible.
Then we spent the afternoon at the City Pool. I haven't been to a public pool since I was about thirteen years old. I was expecting the worst, but it actually wasn't too bad. I thought that it would be packed, but there was plenty of room. We spent almost 5 hours there and the pinkness of my shoulders proves it. I just hope it turns into a tan and not some pealing mess. It only cost $4.50; it was well worth it
Tomorrow Jennifer and I are going to hit the gym in the the afternoon to do some running. She wants to see if she's capable of running a 5k and I would like to try it again. This time I might let myself run faster and then let myself walk parts of it. We'll see what I can do to keep it interesting. I am also planning on getting up and doing Combat in my living room before I go to lunch with my mom. What a great way to start the day!
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