Last night after I finished having a very unhealthy (yet delicious) meal with my mom, I began watching the Democratic Convention on CNN. I had previously told myself I could watch
Obama's speech while I was at the gym. However, when I started watching at 8:00 (at my mom's house) I thought he was going to come on any minute. They kept saying:
Up Next, Obama's Big Speech. So I kept watching, not wanting to miss it in the timeit would take to drive home, change and get the gym. Well, he didn't speak until 9:15. And it wasn't just some quick speech; no, it lasted 45 minutes. By the time that was all over I was not going to make it. So, I told myself I would get up and run hills this morning. But out of the blue Jennifer had to work at 8:00 and didn't want to do it. It's a lot harder getting up in the morning if you don't have anyone counting on you. So I didn't. Now it's Friday and I have only worked out three hours this week. I have another three planned for this weekend; I guess that's all I am going to get done.
Anyway, it was a great
speech. I just know that Barack
Obama is going to be our next President. I am thinking that I will start campaigning for him. I would really like to go door-to-door. That would give me something free to do in my evenings and would include a small workout (walking). How can you not love
Obama? He believes in my ability to change the world! And that's something you all should believe in!
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