my journey to becoming a runner

Monday, August 11, 2008


I was excited to see that our official race times were posted on the website yesterday. Then I was hugely disappointed when I found myself and my time was exactly what it said when I went through the finish line. Since I know we started at least 30 seconds later than everyone else, I know there is no way it took me 39:54 to run the race. So I am estimating my time at around 39:24 or even 39:00 if you consider the part where I had to stop and adjust my IPod. Apparently that chip only registers when you cross the finish line, not when you cross the starting line. I wonder if that is different for big races (like the Lincoln Marathon) where you could possibly start a full minute after the people in the front row. Oh well, I know I did well!

Now I am looking ahead to running more races. I want to go see my friend Amy sometime in October. She has a new house to show off, and I am ready for a vacation. During the time we will be there her neighborhood has a festival, and as part of that event there will be a 5k run. We are so going to do it! And we all want to better our times. Amy wants to attempt to run it at 11-minute miles and I want to do the whole thing in 37 minutes. I don't know if that means running without stopping at 12-minute-miles or if I should learn to run faster so I can still take my two walk breaks. There is something mentally calming about taking the walk breaks, and since so much of running is mental, that might be what I need. I am going to develop an eight week run-faster plan. Please keep harping on me so that I don't embarrass myself in front of those Atlantan-ers.

My long weekend is finally coming to an end. All my out of town visitors have left. I go back to work tomorrow. My reunion is over! In some ways the weekend seemed to take forever. Yet, in no way am I ready to return to work. Tonight I am headed to Combat! Tomorrow I had something planned, but it appears to be cancelled. So it looks like I can make it to BodyPump after all! Good thing too, because I hate when my routine is interrupted.


Anonymous said...

I like how you pretend like all of us, including me, are totally stoaked about the opportunity to go running in another 5k. Is that your psychological plan - to talk like I love it until I do?????

Karrie said...

You just mentioned in your last comment that you "enjoyed the experience". How much more stoked can Jennifer get?

Karrie said...

My blog doesn't seem to be working right. I have updated Tuesday and Wednesday and yet when I click on it, it shows this post as my latest. To over come this, you have to click on AUGUST in my list of past posts and you will see more listed. I hope this gets fixed soon!