my journey to becoming a runner

Monday, March 31, 2008

9 weeks till Summer

I am so frustrated right now. I have gained two pounds this week (back to 26). I keep telling myself that it must be that damn cake. But I know that this is not true. I am a very logical person (some might even say a math genius) so I look at this like a math puzzle. It doesn't add up; a two-pound weight gain is not mathematically possible. Everyone knows that a pound equals 3500 calories, so two pounds equals 7000 calories. That's 7000 calories I would have needed to consumer over the 14,000 I am allowed to eat (2000 a day to maintain weight) plus the 4200 I burned off working out. So, mathematically speaking, I must have eaten 25,200 calories this week, or 3600 a day. That did not happen! This is why I am frustrated. I know that weight has to do with more than just numbers. I am sure it has more to do with salt intake, muscle mass, water retention, hormonal shifts, etc... but it's about to make me give up. And I know that you guys all want me to focus more on how I feel (crappy by the way) and the energy I have (none) and how my pants fit, but all my Monday weigh-in cares about is that number on the scale.
As I thought about this number in the shower this morning, I decided I was going to take a week off. What if for the next week I didn't count calories, or worry about what I am eating? What if instead I ate crap on purpose -- and enjoyed it? What if I worked out a few times, instead of seven? What's the worse that could happen? I'd gain two pounds -- oh well, that happens anyway. When I suggested this to Erin at work this morning though, she claimed the worst possible outcome would be ten pounds. Sigh... So I had Subway for lunch. I guess I'll keep on truckin'!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Handprint On My Heart

I was going to spend this entry talking about how Brandy abandoned me at the gym this morning. I was supposed to meet her there at 10am. I dragged myself out of bed by 9:15 (after staying up till 2:30 playing Rock Band with Jennifer, Ryan and Hannah -- and let me say: I am a top performer!) But anyway, Brandy called to apologize. She didn't make it to the gym because she was at church. I can't argue with that I guess. And I forgive her. I did make it to the gym though, for an hour of circuit training (stairs, treadmill, elliptical). But I want to spend my entry talking about something else.

Those of you who have talked to me recently, know that I am currently addicted to the Wicked soundtrack. I listen to it over and over and over and over. And right now I am hooked on the song: For Good. As I listen to it (over and over and over and over) it reminds me of you. All of you that I call my friends and who read this blog and support me, totally! I ask that you all Youtube it and watch it be performed by the Broadway actresses. At the very least, read all the lyrics. For now, I am going to include my favorite part -- to let you all know what you mean to me.

I've heard it said that people come into our lives
for a reason, bringing something we must learn.
And we are led to those who help us most to grow
if we let them and we help them in return.
Now I don't know if I believe that that is true,
but I know I'm who I am today because I knew you.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for helping me to grow; for supporting me; and for being there for me. Because I knew you, I have been changed for good!!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Let Her Eat Cake

I made it to three BodyPumps this week! Since I have been going light on the weights though, I haven't really been in that sore-state that I was the last time I made it three times. Instead I have been in a sore-state because of my bad back and the cold that has sprung upon me. I did better in today's class -- used my normal weight on everything except the back track and squats (the two tracks that put a lot of weight on my back). After I hit the gym tomorrow morning with Brandy I will have finished my seven hours!

In some good news: I got invited to a birthday party this evening, at the last minute, so I didn't have to spend my Saturday evening sitting at home alone, like I had planned. On the bad side: I ate cake! It was the kind with the whip frosting, I just can't turn that down! And I tell myself it's slightly healthier. But what's an extra 50 calories when you're talking about hundreds? I better work out extra hard tomorrow. I just wish my cold would go away, so I could push myself harder.

Friday, March 28, 2008


There is a certain stigma about spending your Friday evening at the gym. Let's face it, it implies that you have no social life. When I was not single I had no problem hitting the gym after work on a Friday, because I knew I had someone waiting for me at home. Therefore, I didn't care what my fellow worker-outers (and gym staff) thought about me. Now, that I in deed do not have someone waiting for me at home, I feel like a loser spending time out in public. Ironic that I would feel less like a loser spending Friday evening watching TV by myself. I suppose this is a confidence issue. Needless to say, I was super-excited when my friend Erin agreed to go to the gym with me this evening. First, we will get in a good hour of cardio and then we will reward ourselves by watching Sex in the City. A show that reminds us that we are truly stellar, alone or not!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I heart my Library

So I had a really bad day at work. Well, I had about an hour of really bad work time, where I broke down crying twice, wanted to walk out once, and am still thinking about contacting a lawyer. But I don't want to go into the details. I also had a really good hour later in the day when I realized I really do love my job, it's just a certain person I can't stand. What it all boils down to is: I ate some crap food, and I felt like I deserved it, because I had a bad day. To give myself credit, I did work out for two hours to relieve the stress as well. When that didn't work, I turned to a deep fat fryer!

I did make it to Bodypump this evening. I went really light on all my weights though, seeing as I didn't want to injure my back again. Then I stayed after to do some cardio with Brandy. I had intended to just walk on the treadmill with her for 30 minutes, but she talked me into using the sitback bikes (as opposed to the upright bikes). She had used them earlier this week, and gotten a really good workout on it. I must have not been working hard enough, cause even though my leg muscles were burning, I wasn't sweating.

At about noon today I came down with a sore throat and as the day went on I ended up with a fever. Tuesday I say I want to work out more intensely; Wednesday my back goes out and Thursday I get a cold. I really hope that a good night sleep tonight just zaps it out of me. I am going to go take some NyQuil now!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Back Track USA

This morning at 4:30am my back went out. I woke up to shooting pain and couldn't go back to sleep. Every once in a while (and I mean like a year and a half ago) I get this strange back pain, where my muscles are spazzing out and won't calm down. I have to lie on the floor to get my back to stop hurting, but that doesn't stop the muscle spasms. And then, because my back is hurting so bad, it starts affecting my ab muscles. They begin spasming too. It is a mess. I can't lie still and I can barely move. I tried everything: hot shower, massage chair, bending over an exercise ball, sleeping pills. It doesn't matter. Time is all that will fix it. If it happened more often, I might need to check it out, but if it doesn't happen until 2010, I guess I won't worry about it. I absolutely do not know what causes it. I didn't do anything strange at the gym or work yesterday. In fact, at BodyPump on Monday, I said to Jennifer: I am going light on my back track, because I am tired to having a sore back all the time. (Ironic eh?) So I am spending the day taking Tylenol and lounging around my house. I am about to go stir-crazy, but I can't get up and do anything. I just hope that everything is better by tomorrow and I am able to go to BodyPump and get my cardio in tomorrow evening.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

How Intense!

I've decided to focus on the intensity of my workouts. Even though I am putting in seven hours at the gym, I need to make sure that I am burning the optimal calories. I'm going to be working on increasing my levels on the cardio machines in the same way I am increasing my weight-lifting levels. I am blaming my lack of weight loss on the possibility that my cardio workouts have stagnated. On top of that, I have decided that I am only allowed to use the bike for 20 minutes per week. Although the bike can be a good workout, I tend to not push myself hard enough unless I am racing someone. For the most part, the bike ends up being a resting place where I never burn enough calories. We'll see how this plan works out. At the very least it gives me something to focus on during cardio workouts, seeing as how bored I have been lately.

Yesterday my boss said to me: Karrie you look skinnier every time I see you! Now, first it's important to know that my boss doesn't see me very often, because she calls in sick a lot. But it's still a nice compliment; especially since I haven't lost much weight in the last few months. She paid me this compliment about an hour after she asked me to work a split-shift today just so she could go see a basketball game. I'm gonna go on the assumption that the two are not related!

Because I have to work this evening, I had to make some adjustments with my schedule yesterday. I ended up taking an hour of vacation to make it to the 5:30 BodyPump class. I hated it. It was super crowded. Nobody wanted to stand in a way that made any sense, so we were just all bunched together in weird areas. And the girls were all these college age chicks who have no life but hanging out and taking classes at the gym (I know this because many of them had stayed after the Step class that was before Pump). It was nice to have my workout over by 6:30 -- the time I usually get home from work. And I am ensuring that I get my three BodyPumps in this week. I made it to the gym this afternoon in the split portion of my day. I managed to do 20 minutes each of: stairs, elliptical and treadmill. All while keeping the intensity high.

Monday, March 24, 2008

10 weeks till Summer

Finally! A two-pound loss for this week. That puts me at 24 pounds to lose in the next ten weeks. That might be a little difficult. But I would be happy if it took two extra weeks too! This is no lower than where I was when I rattled on about being at my high school weight, but it is my lowest Monday morning weigh-in. So that is great news. At one point I told Jennifer I wanted to go out and celebrate when I finally got down to this weight, by eating Chinese Food. I absolutely love Chinese food and all it's fatty greatness. But now, I don't know if I want to ruin a whole week. Maybe when I lose four more pounds!

I am really going to watch what I eat this week. Measure everything out, weigh things, no more estimating. At one point I had read that people who estimate their calories, lose just as much weight as those who actually measure precisely (and probably have more of a life). But I know that every once in a while I pour a bowl of cereal, and call it one serving, when really it's two. Perhaps that is where extra calories are sneaking in and wrecking-havoc on my plan.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter Buffet

My family isn't like most families. We don't all gather at Grandma's house for a big meal. Instead, we don't let Grandma cook because she burns things, and us gathering is the size of the average dinner table. So for Easter we made reservations for five at some buffet around town. This is similar to what we do for most Thanksgivings, some Christmas' and now Easter. Usually the meal runs about $15 and I eat about one plate. Still, I figure I managed to stack 1000 calories on that fifteen dollar plate. I don't know what it is about buffets. I understand that a lot of people tend to over eat. I, however, pretty much get tired of the luke-warm food after about one trip. But what I do find that I actually enjoy eating, generally has been sitting in a pile of oil: eggs, potato casserole, biscuits and gravy, and bacon. Then there are usually a variety of desserts available: cookies, peanut butter pie, cheesecake, all of which are much harder to resist than Grandma's burnt pecan bars! On top of this, I went back to my mom's house to find a cute chocolate bunny waiting for me.

I managed to leave the family-festivities by 6:00 so I could make it to the gym before it closed at 8. So I succeeded with getting seven hours of gym time in this week. Today I ran a mile and then walked a mile. I had intended on running another, but was just too tired, or lacking the appropriate energy (what oily bacon doesn't inspire great jogs?). So I finished off my workout time with an uphill bike ride. I am going to try and do more running again. I have been looking at joining a new Nike Challenge. By the way, I came in 18th in the last one.

I am not looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in. My weight has been high every morning this week, and today's crap food can't have helped it. Even though I got all my work outs in this week, and stayed pretty close to my calorie requirements, it's been a pretty crappy week. My basketball team has lost, work has been stressful, and I've been pretty emotionally drained. I'm ready for a better week!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

My Friend Amy

My friend Amy has a government job, in which she's not allowed to waste tax-payers time and money (we can all relate to that right?). So although she says she reads my blog on work time, she doesn't allow herself to make comments (I wouldn't want her to get in trouble either!) But she said in an email the other day (because emailing on work time is a completely good use of tax funds) that by reading my blog, I have really inspired her! She has joined a gym, she is training to run a 5k at the end of May and she has begun taking a class they call Body Power, a class very similar to BodyPump. (I wonder if they have a song called Make your Body Power, it just doesn't have the same ring to it). Anyway, I wanted to congratulate Amy, who doesn't waste her own time updating a workout blog, but instead actually spends her time working out. She is a super-star! Way to go Aim! And, not that she wasn't buff and healthy before, but think of how much more productive she is at work now that she is working out more! That's something that the federal government should be thanking me for!

Now to my own workout woes... I made it back to the gym last evening, for another hour of cardio. We did stair climbing (up to level 3 for me!!) and biking; we were able to watch a little basketball in the meantime. Nothing came close to being as exciting as those afternoon games though! Tonight I had planned to go right after work; I brought my clothes to change into and everything. But my mom had to put a wrench in my plans. Turns out, she thought we were dying eggs this afternoon and has plans this evening. So I have to go over there right after work to dye the eggs so she can get on with her busy social life. I guess, seeing as I have no social life I will try to get to the gym around 8:00 tonight.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Oh the Madness

Today was my only day off this week (well, I have Sunday off, but it's a holiday and my family expects me to spend it all with them, making it even more painful than a day at work). So I just have to get two hours of gym time in. Since, I can't take a BodyPump class today (well I could, but it would be way too many days in a row) I had to do two hours of cardio. This is a horrible thought to me. But what got me through? March Madness.

I went to the gym for one hour this afternoon and plan to go back for another hour with Jennifer after she gets off of work. I began my hour on the treadmill walking hills for 30 minutes. It took 20 minutes for me to watch my Gonzaga team lose to the Davidson Wildcats. Then I was addicted: I watched Drake come back 16 points to make it to overtime against Western Kentucky. The overtime got me through the rest of my workout. It just flew by. There's something about the competition that just makes working out easy. I noticed this same phenomenon during the football playoffs. I ran my best mile watching some Missouri game. Or perhaps it's the time lapse. A five minute game clock can take 30 minutes to play, whereas when I watch CNN 30 minutes of news seems to drag on for 40 minutes. Hopefully some really good game is on when I go again this evening.

These two hours today will make it a lot more probable that I will get my 7 hours in this week, although even that might be difficult with family obligations, Easter egg dying, work schedules, and gym holiday hours. I will need to squish in a workout tomorrow after work (at 6:00) and egg dying at my mom's house (could I talk her in to a 7:30 kickoff time?) and then I will need to either celebrate Easter by waking up early and getting to the gym by 8:00am or end family time by 6:30 in the evening so I can make it the gym before it closes at 8:00pm. I did buy a cute new Easter dress! I will not be wearing it, seeing as it will be snowing, and it doesn't really go with snow boots and a big wool sweater. It sure will be fun to wear sometime this spring though! Dresses have really never fit me in the past; what with my bust-to-hip ratio being all screwy. Now I guess it's perfect!

Go Georgetown!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

It's Spring!

What a great way to start the Spring season! It was about 60 degrees here and sunny. I am ready to start doing outdoor activities: biking, tennis, running to the park. The problem with Nebraska weather is that there is about an 8 week period of nice weather (assuming it's not raining) and then it will be too hot to be outside. Right now we're in that period where the weather jumps from beautiful (like today) to cold (like Sunday when it might snow). So for now, I continue to workout inside.

I made it to my second (and last) BodyPump of the week this evening. Since I didn't use too big of weights yesterday morning (was that just yesterday, it seems like days ago) I wasn't too sore to do everything tonight. I made sure to use the highest weights possible on everything this evening, and it was very difficult. As I was trying to hoist the two medium weights I used on the back track above my head, I kept repeating Jen's mantra: There's no way cellulite will stand in the way of a great back! It was still difficult though.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We made it!

Amazingly we all made it to the 6 am BodyPump: Erin, Jennifer and me. (Brandy was able to make it last night, so she didn't have to come, and she makes it to the gym at 5:30 am all the time, so it wouldn't have been that big of an accomplishment for her to show up.) For us, it was a huge accomplishment. I was so worried I was going to miss it that I woke up at 3;30 and couldn't go back to sleep. So now that I am home, it's time for a nice nap before I have to work at noon today. This wasn't the day to increase any weights, in fact I went low on a couple of tracks I had been working on building up. I was just lucky to be there and standing upright. I plan on attending the Thursday evening session of BodyPump as well (these are my only two free times this week). So begin discussing here: is it okay to go again after 36 hours? When the experts say take a day off in between weight-lifting sessions do they mean 24 hours? In which case, couldn't I go every morning at 6:00 and it would still be 24 hours off? I figure, just this time, it's okay, and I did light weights, so I won't be sore.

I really good see the benefit of going to the gym in the morning. It's a nice feeling to know that it is currently 7:30 am and I am done with my gym requirement for the day. My work and boring meeting requirement however, is just beginning!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

We'll make a pact

I began the first of my many crappy work days today. I am working a split shift so I could do storytime this morning and host our Art Show this evening. Luckily I scheduled a good workout right in between my shifts. I took my clothes to work with me, and packed a lunch, so I would have no excuses for not heading straight to the gym. It felt good to get a hard workout in. I could think of things other than my to do list at work and all the things that can go wrong at my program this evening. I walked hills for 40 minutes and then biked some tough hills for 20 minutes.

What I am most disappointed with is missing my Tuesday evening BodyPump class. I am really addicted to weight lifting right now. Last Saturday I burned 670 calories during the hour session. I am optimistic that these three sessions a week are going to make over my body. And I love having a set time to go that I can't just write off. It's just that getting there three times per week might be the difficult part. My goal right now is to make it tomorrow morning at 6:00am. I think I have talked Jennifer into it and Erin agreed as well. We'll have to make a pact, if anyone misses, they buy lunch! I'll talk to them tonight!

Monday, March 17, 2008

11 weeks till Summer

I am very disappointed. I gained a pound this week. I feel like my weight has barely moved for the last month. It is at a standstill and I feel like so am I. I don't know what else to try. Two weeks ago I might have been eating too few of calories, so my metabolism slowed down. So this week I made sure to eat right at 1200 - 1300 calories a day and this is what I get: an extra pound. I am very frustrated. And I don't know what else to try. I can't workout any more than seven hours a week, I have to have some kind of life. My only new goal for this week is to make sure I drink 8 glasses of water a day. I haven't been paying much attention to that lately, and I have been drinking a lot of pop. I will give my body one more week and a lot of water and see if it can get in gear. Now I have 11 weeks until summer and 26 pounds to lose. Things are looking bleak.

I had every intention of getting to the gym this evening. In fact, I even made it to the parking lot. But I have so much going on with work right now, that I just couldn't make myself go in. Instead I got some things done for my Teen Art Show tomorrow night. Now I feel slightly less stressed and should be able to sleep better. According to 60 Minutes this past Sunday, sleep is more important for maintaining weight than exercise. At least I don't need to improve that too.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Last night I discovered the fun/innovativeness/exhaustiveness of the Wii sports gaming equipment. And let me say, I just love Wii Boxing! There are two modes of play: individual or competition. When you play by yourself you are given one minute to hit the boxing bag as many times and as hard as you can. In competition mode you actually hit your "virtual" opponent round after round, until someone goes down and can't get up again. I enjoyed both modes of play (especially taking my boss out in round three!) Here's the key though: it had me winded in just minutes and this morning my shoulders hurt. Because it is a virtual game, there is no punching bag to provide resistance, but it still seems to be a great work out. I could totally punch the bag for 5 minutes at a time, 6 times per day. And I bet I could really see myself improve over weeks of use, until I could do it for 30 minutes straight. Obviously I am not going to go out and buy a Wii; I have no interest in owning a gaming machine, or spending $300 on a piece of workout equipment. But, if anyone has access to a Wii and wants to invite me over to box, I will be happy to visit! This has me even more interested in taking the Kickboxing class at the gym. I just wish that there were actual boxing bags to hit.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

So Far So Good

Saturday is a crazy busy day for me. But, I made myself get up at 8:00, get to the gym by 8:30, get 30 minutes of cardio done, hit BodyPump, and stayed for 30 more minutes. So I had gotten two hours of working out done by 10:30. And breaking up my cardio like that really made it more doable. Tuesday I increased my chest weight. Today I increased my back weight all while maintaining the increased tricep weight with which I have been struggling. By the way, none of you have commented why I would want a nice back or chest muscles. I increased them anyway. Next, I will work on my biceps -- the toughest weight of all!

My big accomplishment of the day was attending a birthday party and not wasting all my calories on cake. Now, those who know me, which you all do right? You know that I absolutely love cake. I love all cake, and I love frosting. I don't understand you people who scrape off the frosting. It's too sweet! you all claim. Sheesh -- that is the flavor of heaven! But here's what I did: I made Jennifer leave me two bites of her cake. I said: Take one big enough that you'll have two bites left. So then, I got to enjoy cake, but in moderation. And then I avoided the cake table, because I have no self-control.

Tonight I have another work party/birthday celebration. I'm pretty sure that there will be cake there too. And I won't have Jennifer there to leave me left-overs. I also don't have enough will power to take my own piece of cake and leave half of it. That's sacrilegious, to leave cake on a plate. So I am going to skip the cake altogether -- I already had cake today. My scale better appreciate this when Monday comes!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Good Greasy Food

Well I haven't been to the gym for two days. First, I allowed myself to take Wednesday evening off. I didn't work on Thursday until 11:30, so I figured I would get up in the morning at head to the gym. Well, I ended up still awake that evening at 1:30 am, and then needed to sleep in Thursday morning until 10:30, when I had to get up for work. A Thursday night workout was out of the question as well. Jennifer and I led our monthly bookgroup until 8:30. And then Jennifer had wanted to try out a healthy recipe she found in cooking light magazine. I was willing to eat it for her! We had good intentions of getting up this morning and hitting the gym early. But after watching Sex in the City until midnight last night, we decided to postpone the working out thing. So, I have a little workout-makeup to do.

We are definitely going to go right after work this evening. I have packed my gym clothes, so I won't have to go home. This is the best way to get me there. Jennifer is really into working out right now, which really helps get me there too. It's so weird for me to hear Jennifer say: Let's go to the gym tonight! After working out this evening, we are going to PO Pears: a really greasy restaurant that is closing in a few weeks, and really must be celebrated before it no longer exists. I doubt they serve a turkey burger, but I will try to eat something reasonably healthy.

My weight has not changed at all this week. It is currently exactly where it was last Friday. And I am heading into a very difficult (food-wise) weekend.

UPDATE (11:00 pm): Turns out, Jennifer bailed on me at the gym. I still went though, and made it through almost an hour of cardio: walking hills and elliptisizing. Then, we showed up at PO Pears only to find out that there is a $5 cover charge. Since we were going there to use a buy one get one free coupon it wasn't worth the $10 it would have cost us to get in. So we went to another restaurant, where I was able to get a nice grilled chicken sandwich. It was much healthier, which then allowed me to get a side of onion rings (but only 4!). We'll have to celebrate PO Pears some other time.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pants -- Fiction

Now to understand the title of this blog entry, you have to realize that I am a librarian. Thus I am used to finding all my information in Library of Congress cataloging format. All topics, generally, have two subject headings. One, for example: pigs, refers to informational (non-fiction) books about pigs. The other option: pigs -- fiction, refers to stories about pigs (Charlotte's web). So, although the following story is true, a memoir you might say, and would not actually be cataloged as pants -- fiction, I feel that that subject heading is honestly my favorite; and it really does exist: The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. The fact that I have a favorite subject heading? Now that is a topic to be discussed at a later date.

I only own about three pairs of pants that currently fit. Why buy new pants when they won't fit soon right? I also have a supply of pants that don't fit yet (they're too small). Why would I own pants that are too small you might ask. The truth: as inspiration. And because sometimes I find a pair on clearance that I would really like and for $5 you just can't beat them. And once because I loved a pair of pants so much I bought them in two sizes so when they stopped fitting, I would have a brand new pair to enjoy!

Today I wanted to wear something other than the two pair of jeans I find myself wearing most days of the week, when I pull them back off the closet floor. So I whip out my black pants. They are much too big. I cannot be seen in these. So I decide to pull out the smaller version of the same pants. Now, mind you, they are actually two sizes smaller, and didn't fit the last time I tried them on. Well, I won't kid you, they were the tightest pants I have put on in months. But I decided I just had to wear them. First, I was already going to be 10 minutes late for work, I had very few other options, I felt that wearing them might stretch them out just the right amount, and it wasn't like I had to do storytime today. And, I must have a pair of black pants to wear next Tuesday, which is my annual Teen Art Show, which requires all staff to dress up. As the coordinator of this event, it would look shameful if I showed up in my usual jean and sweater look; it probably wouldn't set the right example for my staff. I am on a mission to make these pants fit, either by stretching them out, or starving myself. Luckily, they stretched out perfectly. By lunch time, they fit like good pants should! I just hope they're not too big by next Tuesday.

On top of this, I bought a replica of my (second) favorite jeans in a smaller size this weekend. I didn't even try them on, because they didn't fit about a month ago. So I buy them thinking they'll fit in the future (and it makes me happy to go shopping). But, when I got home, and tried them on, they actually did fit. They are tight, but I am so tired of wearing loose pants, that I'll take tight any day. My point is: I am wearing a new size of pants. And this is exciting; it's the progress that can't be measured with a number (well besides the one on the tag). This is the improvement that really matters. Because if I look like a size 6, why do I care if I weigh 300 pounds!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

All Alone

I made it to BodyPump this evening; I was all alone. Well not alone, there were several other pumpers there. Just none of my friends. They seemed to all have something else to do. It's understandable, just odd that they all had something to do on the same evening. I hope they weren't celebrating something without me. Perhaps they were planning a surprise party for me! Anyway, I have this new goal: each week I will attempt to increase one of my weights. Last Saturday I attempted to add a small weight to my biceps, but alas, my biceps will NOT grow. I had to slide it off half way through. Tonight I added a small weight to my chest track. It was tough, but I managed. There are certain areas of my body I just don't have the desire to build up. I mean, Ann (the instructor) claims that working your chest is better than an underwire bra. But besides the sagging factor, I don't understand how having good chest muscles will make me look better. And let's face it -- that's why I am there. Same for my back muscles. It's not like I wear a lot of backless dresses, so I why do I care what my back looks like? If you have any insight let me know.

I stayed after BodyPump to get an hour of cardio done. I also went late last night after work. So I am up to three hours this week. I have been doing a variety of elliptical, treadmill, biking, stairs, etc...

PS. I might think about changing my weigh-in day to Tuesday. This morning I was back to my lowest weight. I guess it will just help push me further for next week's weigh-in.

Monday, March 10, 2008

12 weeks till Summer

I just don't get scales. I did everything right this week: 7 hours of exercise and an average of 1200 calories each day. But alas, I only lost 1 pound. The really baffling thing is that I was another pound lower on Friday morning, but then the weekend came and made me balloon up apparently. So I have 25 pounds to lose. I need to acknowledge that a one pound loss is not "nothing", it is still a step in the right direction. I just thought: of all weeks this was definitely a two-pounder. It must be that extra muscle I built with the three BodyPump classes.

On a related note: I have hurt a muscle in my back/side area. While doing the back-track last Saturday my triceps were too sore to do the required "knees and squeeze" motion. I must have over-compensated with some other muscle located right under my armpit. And so for the last two days it has hurt pretty badly. Hopefully that is because I rarely use that muscle and not because I have permanently injured it.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Perfect Week

I have had a perfect week fitness-wise. I made it to the gym this evening and got my 7th hour of working out accomplished. I ran a mile and then walked uphill for about 40 minutes. Then we tackled the stairs for 20 minutes. So that finished up my four hours of cardio and I got to three BodyPump classes. I should be a lean-mean-fitness-machine any day now.

Until yesterday I was right on track with my calorie restrictions. Last night I had planned on staying home and eating something really healthy, but at the last minute I was invited to dinner at La Paz. Well, I can't turn down something like that. Unfortunately I can't select too many low-calorie options there either. And even though I had said: no drinks, I just couldn't turn down the famous La Paz margarita. That has to add on tons of calories. So besides Saturday evening, I had a perfect calorie week. And even Saturday didn't ruin too much. I'm ready for my Monday morning weigh-in!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Weren't you already here?

So I made it to Saturday morning Bodypump. I can really tell I am going three times per week. My body is kind of in a permanent state of pain. Not like intense pain, but soreness. I am always aware of whatever muscle I am moving. And without the three or four days to recooperate, it's just always there. In time, I suppose I will get used to it; at least the soreness tells me I've been doing something. And I always give myself one day in between lifting sessions so my body can recover slightly. I would like to record what weights I use so two months from now I can look back and think, wow I sure was a wimp before I started going three times a week.
  • Warm-up: Medium & Small
  • Squats: Large & Medium
  • Chest: Medium
  • Back: Medium & Small
  • Triceps: Medium & Small
  • Biceps: Medium
  • Shoulders: Medium (mixed with Small)

Then I made it back to the gym this afternoon to get some cardio done. I worked on the treadmill for 60 minutes. The first half I spent running/walking and the last 20 minutes I spent walking uphill. When I signed in this afternoon the guy behind the counter said: Weren't you already here?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Sweet Sixteen

Well I didn't make it to the gym this morning. It was way too easy to ignore the alarm when I knew I didn't have to get up. What I did make it to this morning is my high school weight. And not just my high school weight, but what I weighed when I turned 16 years old. Now, I don't know how I think that this number (t-25 pounds) is actually the weight I was in high school. I just remember weighing this once and therefore, it has been a goal of mine to get back to. Obviously, I still have weight I would like to lose; I wasn't at my goal weight in high school either. But, it feels amazing to me to say that I am back to where I was 12 years ago!

Let me take you back to my senior year in high school: Usually I get about 5 hours of sleep per night. A combination of talking to Jennifer on the phone until 2am and trying to figure out my calculus homework keeps me from sleeping well at all. For most of the day I sit. Every 50 minutes they let us get up and walk to our next class for 4 minutes. Of course, I take PE, but as a non-athletic person I opt to take racket sports and therefore only move around a court or on a good day: around a ping-pong table. For lunch, if we don't race out to McDonald's, we sit in the hall at school and eat: a piece of pizza, a nutty bar and a bottle of Mt. Dew. Oh, the life! After school I head to my job at K-Mart where I stand for 4 hours, but not in a healthy way.

Obviously, proudly, my life as changed. I almost always get 8 hours of sleep. I actually have a job where I get up every 4 minutes rather than every 50. I workout lots and lots; and actually have muscles now. I wouldn't dream of eating that much crap in just 27 minutes for lunch. In general, my stress level is much lower; I don't ever have to think about calculus or getting into college.

So from here on out, every pound lost, every ounce of muscle built, every hour I work out and every good night of sleep I get, is me becoming the best me I have ever been!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ryan at the gym?

I made it to my second BodyPump of the week and I have every intention of going on Saturday, making it three times. My legs were still sore from Tuesday's session so I went easy on the squat track. But I kept all my other weights the same, even my triceps. Remember, my goal of going three times a week is to increase my upper body strength and get my arms in better shape. So going easy on my legs once a week is alright. If I am feeling really brave next week I might try to increase my bicep weight just a little.

Then I made myself stay after and get an hour of cardio in. First I walked hills for 30 minutes and then I biked for 30 minutes. Impressively, Jennifer and Ryan showed up for my last 30 minutes, so we biked together. That Ryan is one fast biker! I have gotten 4 hours of gym time in so far, right on track to get all 7 done. And I have eaten very well all week. So hopefully the scale sees it that way.

I'm trying to talk myself in to hitting the gym tomorrow morning before work. Because of strange schedule fluke, I don't have to go to work until 9:30, so I really could use the extra half-hour to get myself up and working out. We'll see if I actually accomplish this. I should treat myself to something nice if I do. What should that be?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Self Challenge

As many of you know I receive many fitness magazines each month. And the ones I don't get in the mail, I generally checkout at my local library -- or read them on my break. Well every year Self Magazine does this 12 week challenge; and I always mean to sign up for it. In fact I might have signed up last year but then I never did anything with it. Well, this year I have signed up and have been updating my challenge info every day. They have a workout and eating plan for people to follow, but you can also do your normal routine and enter that information. So I have been adding in all my workouts and everything I eat. What I like best is: each day you update you get entered to win $100 gift card for Champion Workout Gear. If you finish the challenge you could possibly win some trip to some great island (which of course would be much better if I had someone to take to a great island, but whatever. And please don't all comment that you would be willing to go with me!!!)
Winning prizes is always a goal of mine. I used to win this finish this song game on the radio when I was in 5th grade (kinda like Don't forget the lyrics). I won a dozen donuts like 6 times. And once I won a free pizza each month for a year. And in college we were all impressed when I won this super-dooper Kelloggs bike. So if I can maintain my fitness goals while increasing my chances to win a great prize: I am all over that. If anyone is interested in joining just let me know. You could just join yourself at, BUT if I send you a "join now" post card, we each get entered into a drawing for some other fabulous prize. And with the way this blog thing has caught on, I'd say the chances of one of us winning something really really excellent (like a sports bra) is getting better every day.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


What doesn't the gym understand? When 35 people are running in a room with the heat turned up to at least 70 degrees and the dehumidifier is full to capacity, it is miserable. We walked into the gym yesterday after work (around 6:45) and I swear the humidity was above 100% (if that is even possible). I almost wanted to turn around and walk right back out. I mean just turn down the damn heat people! Or open the door a little. Or empty your dehumidifier so it works a little better. But, we stayed. I had wanted to do some running, but in that heat I only did run/walk intervals for 30 minutes. Then we moved to the elliptical machines, where we finished up our hour.

I made it to Tuesday night BodyPump. I am planning on adding a third weight-lifting session every week. I really want to work on increasing my upper-body strength before summer -- so I look great in tank tops when the time comes. I may not be able to accomplish this every week, with my work schedule being so chaotic, but it's a goal. I've decided that it burns enough calories to make up for the missing cardio. And right now cardio just doesn't interest me. I am having a hard time staying the entire 60 minutes. I think Jen is right -- you have to be watching tv. My IPod just isn't keeping me as occupied as it once did.

I had every intention of staying after BodyPump tonight for some cardio, but Jennifer seduced me with the talk of food. I agreed to go get something to eat, as long as she would drive, and drop me back off at the gym afterward. But alas, I wasn't up for the gym after my McDonald's salad. And I had to get to my mom's house to dog-sit. I won't be able to get to the gym tomorrow. Dog-sitting really cuts into my working out. My schedule and the dog's schedule just don't seem to match. And if it was so miserable outside we could workout together, but the temperature just isn't right anywhere.

Monday, March 3, 2008

13 weeks till Summer

By some miracles of miracles, I lost two pounds this week! My scale was stuck all week at exactly the same number. I mean completely stuck (and generally my weight goes up as the day goes on). I was at a point where I thought the scale was broken; I even found a five-pound weight to hold as I weighed myself yesterday. That did the trick. So how it went down two pounds overnight, I don't know. But, I am thankful for it. That puts me on schedule to lose 26 pounds in the next thirteen weeks.

All day yesterday I was making excuses for why my weight wasn't moving this week: I only worked out 5 hours; I haven't been writing down everything I ate; I am building more muscle now that I have added weight at BodyPump; I haven't been taking my fish oil pills; I have been too sad to workout vigorously; and I haven't been eating enough fruits and vegetables. But, now regardless of all these things, I seemed to push through. So either - these things don't matter, or I could have done a lot better this week. As I have mentioned though, I feel like I have been given a clean start, and this is going to be a great month!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Straight There

I had good intentions of getting up and going to the gym before I met my mom for lunch. I even woke up at 8:45 (without an alarm). But I just couldn't drag myself out of my warm bed until it was time to get ready at 11:00. So I made myself go after work, even though I was tired from a short (yet busy) day's work. It really does help when I pack my clothes for the gym and go straight there. I was pretty hungry at 5:30 and I thought about going home for a bite to eat and back to the gym later. But I knew that if I went home, I wouldn't make it back out; especially in tonight's snowy/rainy weather. So it was good that I went straight there. I only lasted 50 minutes. I was using the elliptical machine and was getting pretty bored; not to mention my little toe was in pain for some reason. So I quit. I was also a little sore from BodyPump yesterday. I am feeling strange muscles that are tight all of a sudden. I told you it was extra difficult yesterday. Anyway, I accomplished 5 hours of gym time this week. Good enough -- I am gonna get back to my 7 hour goals next week.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

In like a lion?

What a great start to March! It's a beautiful sunny Saturday, with a supposed high of 57. That is almost spring. If this is how March begins, just think how it's going to end! I love the freshness a new month gives you -- I could end March a completely different person than I am starting it. Think how fast I could be running then, or how much weight I could be lifting, or how much less I could weigh, or even how much happier I could be. I too could be going in like a lamb and out like a lion!

I started the month out perfectly when it comes to my fitness goals. I made it to the Saturday morning BodyPump. I was so impressed that Brandy, Erin and Jennifer went with me. We are really starting a tradition! It was a tad difficult to get four spots together, but we managed. And even though Tomas had to be involved in teaching the class, and he had to be positioned right in front of me, and the class seemed really hard on me, we still did it! Unlike the girl who (as Jennifer explained to me) walked in, saw Tomas up front, shook her head and left! I have been excelling with the higher squat weight for at least two weeks now. And Jennifer told me after class that I did excellent squats (meaning parallel to the floor). I know! But it's nice to hear from other people!

Then this afternoon I went back to the gym and did some great cross-training. Twenty minutes on the stairs (because I am concerned that my calves never get smaller) and then twenty minutes each on the bike and treadmill! I was impressed with myself that I could do twenty minutes on the stairs without stopping. That's the most I was able to do about 4 months ago, which is the last time I did it. So I was sure that I would have decreased my ability. Perhaps my running has increased my leg muscles and lung-capacity more than I thought.

There's probably no way I am going to get my 7 hours of gym time in this week, but I am coming back strong. I am not looking forward to Monday's weigh-in. My weight has been the exact same for the last two weeks... it refuses to change. I'm telling myself that I have been adding new quad muscles, which therefore is adding weight! But whatever...