Now to understand the title of this blog entry, you have to realize that I am a librarian. Thus I am used to finding all my information in Library of Congress cataloging format. All topics, generally, have two subject headings. One, for example: pigs, refers to informational (non-fiction) books about pigs. The other option: pigs -- fiction, refers to stories about pigs (
Charlotte's web). So, although the following story is true, a memoir you might say, and would not actually be cataloged as pants -- fiction, I feel that that subject heading is honestly my favorite; and it really does exist:
The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. The fact that I have a favorite subject heading? Now that is a topic to be discussed at a later date.
I only own about three pairs of pants that currently fit. Why buy new pants when they won't fit soon right? I also have a supply of pants that don't fit yet (they're too small). Why would I own pants that are too small you might ask. The truth: as inspiration. And because sometimes I find a pair on clearance that I would really like and for $5 you just can't beat them. And once because I loved a pair of pants so much I bought them in two sizes so when they stopped fitting, I would have a brand new pair to enjoy!
Today I wanted to wear something other than the two pair of jeans I find myself wearing most days of the week, when I pull them back off the closet floor. So I whip out my black pants. They are much too big. I cannot be seen in these. So I decide to pull out the smaller version of the same pants. Now, mind you, they are actually two sizes smaller, and didn't fit the last time I tried them on. Well, I won't kid you, they were the tightest pants I have put on in months. But I decided I just
had to wear them. First, I was already going
to be 10 minutes late for work, I had very few other options, I felt that wearing them might stretch them out just the right amount, and it wasn't like I had to do
storytime today. And, I must have a pair of black pants to wear next Tuesday, which is my annual Teen Art Show, which requires all staff to dress up. As the coordinator of this event, it would look shameful if I showed up in my usual jean and sweater look; it probably wouldn't set the right example for my staff. I am on a mission to make these pants fit, either by stretching them out, or starving myself. Luckily, they stretched out perfectly. By lunch time, they fit like good pants should! I just hope they're not too big by next Tuesday.
On top of this, I bought a replica of my (second) favorite jeans in a smaller size this weekend. I didn't even try them on, because they didn't fit about a month ago. So I buy them thinking they'll fit in the future (and it makes me happy to go shopping). But, when I got home, and tried them on, they actually did fit. They are tight, but I am so tired of wearing loose pants, that I'll take tight any day. My point is: I am wearing a new size of pants. And this is exciting; it's the
progress that can't be measured with a number (well besides the one on the tag). This is the improvement that really matters. Because if I look like a size 6, why do I care if I weigh 300 pounds!