my journey to becoming a runner

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Week 3

Well, my goal for this week was 6 sets of run 3, walk 3. I didn't make it to the gym on Monday, as I had planned; a birthday dinner for a friend of mine ran late. I didn't really feel like going when I got home at 10pm. So my running week didn't begin until Tuesday. I happened to work a half day on Tuesday and got home about 1:00. I didn't mean to do it, but I have no self-control: I took a nap. Luckily Jennifer called me at 4:00, woke me up from my stupor and got me to the gym. I show up there to get in a good run when I realize a horrifying fact: I forgot to put my sports bra on -- I'm just wearing a regular bra. I tell myself I cannot waste another day not running, and besides, I have nothing that will jiggle too much. So I go for it.
It was pretty difficult to keep up the 3 minutes of running at an 11 minute/mile pace. So I let myself vary between 11-minute miles and 12-minute miles. I made it all the way through. But I was really sweaty -- but surprisingly: not too jiggly!
I went to the gym again this evening! Again I attempted the 3/3 combo. I tried to stay at more 11-minute mile pace. Again I accomplished it; it seemed to go more smoothly. I was watching The Power of 10 on TV and it kept my mind off of the minutes ticking away.
BUT get this... I really enjoy going home and logging my run into the Nike Plus website. It really is fun to see if I can beat yesterday's time and distance. I have even set up some goals on their website, and it keeps track of my miles for me. Beginning next week, I am involved in a "Challenge". I am completing against other beginner runners to see who can run the most! That might be just the competition I need to stay motivated. It would be more fun though if I had friends on there to compete against. Maybe someday.

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