Karrie's Running Blog
my journey to becoming a runner
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
What's Wrong with Me?
Last night Brandy and I tried out the YMCA. Lincoln has four YMCA locations, all of which you get to attend if you join one branch. Two locations are nice and new (one is 30 minutes away down south, the other is 15 minutes away out by my mom's house). The one by me is old. And it shows. But I got a guest pass in the mail and was determined to try two classes there and to judge the entire gym on that experience! First we took spinning. It was excellent. Although I missed my goodyear-gals, I found the class a great workout. Everyone was welcoming and the bikes were wonderful. They have digital readouts so you know how hard you are working. And, all the bikes work, which is quite an improvement from Goodyear. This gym was getting high rankings by me! Then we tried Power Pump. I had my fingers crossed that this would be similar to BodyPump. It was not. I just don't understand people who take these weight-lifting classes. Once you do bodypump, you'll never go back. That being said, I am a tad sore today. And I can see how doing these different moves might work different muscles than I am used to. But I didn't break a sweat in class, and I wouldn't say I was at all worn out. I could have done these same things during the commercial break of a television show. Maybe I will.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Two Weeks, No Blog?
I have been feeling pretty depressed about my life lately, and that's just not something I like to put out there on the Internet for everyone to read. When I turned 29 last year I promised to have a different life by this time next year. And I don't. I have a worse life. And now I have one month left to get into a good place. I know that a lot of exercise and healthy eating can get me in a better frame of mind... and that's all I can change.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Body Healing
Time: 35:02 (11:40 miles)
Brandy and I met this morning, on a beautiful fall day, to try and run three miles fast. I haven't tried to beat any times since that race last month (four weeks ago). For the last few weeks we have been practicing getting distance miles (four) in. So we figured that it was time to see if I could go any faster. Turns out, I am even slower. I had to walk for just a bit half way trough. It just doesn't seem to get any easier. I need to make sure to get in more than one run a week.
I took the last two day off from working out. But my body needed time to heal after that Wednesday workout. My arms were so sore from punching. My abs were so sore from that class. I was just a wreck. But we're planning on going back again next Wednesday. I think that it could do some good. And I have eaten pretty well the last few days. And plan to keep that up for the weekend. I need to see a weight loss on Monday. It has to get me through the holiday week.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Back to Intervals
Then I came home and had some chocolate fondue.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Perfected Something

As much as I have grown to love Spinning and the gals I have befriended in class, I am eager to try kickboxing again. I mentioned that Wednesdays were more of a boxing class now and Brandy and I are going to try it this week. But today I saw that the Monday teacher has changed as well. I have no idea what kind class she will teach. But I did hear her tell Mary that she taught at Gold's several years back (I don't remember her). I would love to be able to mix up my workout depending on what I felt like and how much my legs wanted to be exhausted versus my upperbody. Speaking of my upperbody: it's hard to keep using the Medium and Small weights during the shoulder track. Before I would just keep repeating: you must have great shoulders for Jennifer's wedding. Now that it's over, what do I shout at myself?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I Can't Stop Eating
I was supposed to go running with Brandy this morning but she bailed on me. I can't blame her; she was up late celebrating her 30th birthday. Then I got a call and had to go into work. So I never got around to working out. It was so busy at work today, that I hardly sat down. And for that reason, it seems like I already burned enough calories. But I just came home and ate some chocolate and vanilla wafers. I need to have a good week now. Thanksgiving is just two weeks away, and we know that week will be shot to hell. What am I going to do? I need to stop eating!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Some Running
I skipped Butts and Guts last night because I was exhausted from work. Someone called in sick, someone took a day of vacation, someone had a family emergency and someone had family in the volleyball tournament, and eventually it was just me left at work. Sure it was only for a few hours before someone else had to come and take over the "alone time" but it wares on a girl. Just because I am never sick, don't have family emergencies, or family in volleyball tournaments doesn't mean I have to get left with all the work! So I relaxed at home last night eating/drinking leftovers and watching some sappy chick-flick.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Void
I did go to Spinning and BodyPower tonight. I was so sore from taking a week off. I am never doing that again. But it felt good to go back tonight. And in everything but squats I was back up to my normal weight limits. We had a sub for Spinning tonight -- Jen the head aerobics teacher at Goodyear. She was really good and the class had me working really really hard. As I headed into the BodyPower class though a man was teaching it. According to the few participants, he is the new teacher and he does a bunch of boxing type exercises: punching, jumping rope, skipping, etc... I think I will try that out next Wednesday. That sounds much better than the jazzersize class they're still holding (often with nobody attending) on Monday.
I am considering going to Butts and Guts tomorrow night. I know that I will be sore this weekend, but I should try to get to that class more often. Brandy and I are planning on running on Friday morning (or afternoon) and I hope that we will do another 4 miles together. Friday night we're going to dinner for her 30th birthday. Maybe I can talk her into running on Sunday too!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Free Time

I went spinning tonight and could tell that I had taken a week off. I am getting to the point where I know exactly how to turn the knob to make it harder and I made myself push as hard as I could. Still, I hadn't noticed all last week that my knee didn't hurt very much. And as soon as I got off that spinning bike that old familiar pain was back. I went to BodyPower but had to go light on several tracks. What a week off will do to you. The good news is, I know I can go higher again on Wednesday. I don't know that I have taken an entire week off from classes since they cancelled them on me over a year ago.
Anyway, here's to new goals!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Really Bad Idea

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Bad Idea
Luckily I did end up working out six hours this week. Two classes on both Monday and Wednesday. A 35 minute run with Brandy on Saturday. And a 70 minute visit to the gym this evening where I did uphill walking and hard biking. Spinning class has really taught me how to push myself really hard on the gym bikes. I had my heart rate up to 165 and my legs were shaking.
I am not looking forward to weighing in tomorrow morning. And I am not anticipating a week of good eating. This week will be filled with parties, drinking and celebrating Jennifer's wedding. At least I plan to fill it with hours of workout. I think I am putting a hiatus on the zero-workout-plan. Although I'm not sure I ever really tried that plan, seeing as I got five and six hours of gym time in each week.
Monday, October 26, 2009

My goal for this week is to attend Spinning and BodyPower twice. I am dog-sitting on Thursday so if it is not raining, I hope to run/walk with Hannah. Besides that I will see how I am feeling. It seems really freeing not to have to cram an hour workout into each day. Especially because I am in the middle of a seven-day work stretch. But if the scale starts moving up, or a hint of depression sets in, I need to get back to the gym.
I want everyone's opinion: is it logical that I could lose more weight by cutting back on the cardio?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Zero Workout Plan
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Back in the Saddle
I was very sore yesterday and today from my high-squat weights in BodyPower on Monday. But I kept it up again tonight and I am feeling better already. Other than that every thing's about the same. I have Thursday and Friday off from work (before I work seven straight days in a row) so I might be mixing up some workouts in the next few days. I will keep you posted.
Monday, October 19, 2009
New Hopes

Tonight in Spinning there was a catastrophe. About five minutes before class was over we were all standing up sprinting (going as fast as we can) when this girl's foot strap broke. Her ankle twisted in the toe brace and immediately began swelling. She couldn't put any weight on it and eventually began crying. It scared us all. I don't need that happening to me. Hurting myself is one of my greatest fears. Like one of these times when I am running too fast, or in the rain, or off of curbs, I am going to fall and break something. But then I remember that that kind of thing only happens to Jennifer, so I am safe!
Now that my race is over I jumped right back to my high squat weights. I am sure that I will pay for that tomorrow, but it will be a good pain. I also remember, just in time, that I meant to use Larges for warm up. It is really helping to make shoulders easier and maybe even biceps. Do you notice that you don't warm up your triceps or chest. How are those supposed to ever get stronger?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
More Race Disappointments
I am almost ashamed of today's race. And I really don't know why I keep putting myself through this. My goal was 34 minutes, and I knew it was a lofty goal. At worst I thought that I would be able to do it in 36 minutes. But after the chip-time delay, I am looking at a 38:48 minute run. That sucks! It's my perfectionism that holds me back. I have said before that I am not motivated by these runs. Being next to a bunch of runners doesn't inspire me. It makes me nervous. And since this race wasn't until 3pm I had the entire day to feel nauseous. I hardly ate anything. But the key was I started too fast. I told myself that I just needed to go out and run as fast as possible. But, I ran the first half mile in 4:30, which is much too fast for me. I let myself slow down slightly because I can't run three miles in 9-minute-miles. I KNOW that. However, that first five minutes took it all out of me. I couldn't get my breathing back in order. I couldn't push myself. Then my shoe came untied and I let myself walk for 30 seconds. After that, my perfectionism takes over. Once I know that I am not gonna make it, then I figure why even bother. I ended up walking three times. The whole thing is ridiculous. I ran three miles with Brandy just a week ago in 33 minutes. Why do I keep putting myself through this? Why do I pay money to suck it up? The truth? Because it's the only thing that keeps me running. And of course I said that I would never do it again. But instead I just don't want to do it again until I am faster. I do still want to run a 10k with Jen, because we've never run together and she's my biggest running motivation. I am frustrated. But I want to keep up my running and work on getting faster this winter while I am trapped in the gym. Then when spring comes and I can go outside again, I can work on building up my endurance at that faster pace. Frustration all around. But I am thankful for my running partners. I hope that they will continue to run with me even when we have nothing to train for.
Shannon, Karrie and Brandy
Monday, October 12, 2009
Three's Company Too
This evening I attended my regular Spinning class. Brandy joined me, but we weren't able to get bikes next to each other, which is unfortunate. As always, this was an excellent hour of sweating and my knee didn't hurt at all during this class. We stayed for BodyPower but I had to skip out on squats because that hurt my knee a lot. Besides that it was an excellent class. I have used a large weight on the warm up a few times now, but often I forget until I am half way through and it's too late to increase. I need to figure out a way to remember.
After all of that you'd think that my weight would react in some way. But I have not been eating well at all. Yesterday was Jennifer's wedding shower and I ate two pieces of cake plus some mints. Then Jen and I stopped for margaritas and chips and salsa before she had to go back to Omaha. Finally, after four hours of making/stuffing favor boxes with Jennifer's family, we order pizza. It's not like I am eating a ton of food. I am just eating junk. I definitely need to eat more healthier during this week leading up to my race. Well, and you know, the rest of my life!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
More Intervals
Accomplished: 6 sets of intervals: 6.0mph, 6.0mph, 6.0mph, 5.8 mph, 5.7mph, 5.8mph
This morning I had to get up early (well 9:00) to get a good workout in before I went to attempt to donate blood for the second time this week. But it was a good workout. And I was really proud of myself because it was the kind of morning you want to snuggle into your bed, look at the snow coming down, and drink some coffee and eat pancakes. But I was trudging through the snow to the empty gym to run some fast intervals. Yes, they felt really fast, but the two minutes seemed like enough time to recover. I started off really well with the 10 minute miles. But by the fourth session I had to let myself slow down... but just slightly. In the 24 minutes of running and walking I went 1.9 miles (12:45 minute-miles average). Even though the gym was freezing and I thought that their heat must have broken, I was drench in sweat when I was finished. But my muscles felt pretty good afterward. When I was done, I went upstairs and did an upper body weight lifting session. Then out of nowhere as I was getting ready and leaving to donate blood, my knee started hurting when I went down the stairs. And it has hurt ever since. I have no idea what that is from. Did I hurt it this morning during my interval runs? Is it an injury from those fast miles I ran last night? Is it a repercussion from all the spinning I have been taking? It's the same knee, but not the same location of pain. Hopefully I can get over that... I have a race a week from tomorrow.
My weight has been the same all week. Today I got to eat cookies at the blood bank (I ate them on Thursday too, when I had a high temperature and wasn't allowed to donate, but I was still allowed to eat cookies!) I met my mom for a lunch that wasn't super healthy, and I am pretty sure that I will be eating out for dinner. Tomorrow is Jennifer's Bridal Shower, which means cake. Sometimes I try to make myself skip the cake, but tomorrow I think I deserve it. If I workout in the morning I will reach eight hours this week, and if you can't eat cake and cookies with eight hours of working out, then that's not a life I want to be part of!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Almost Ready
Accomplished: 3 miles in 33:32 (11:11 miles)
Excellent! Before the snow falls tonight and winter hits, Brandy met me after work for a quick three mile run. We pushed really hard and accomplished exactly what I wanted and then some. Obviously it was hard, and I was breathing really heavily. But I could probably cut off another minute next week on race day. It's not like I have a side ache (or any ovary pain) I just am panting as hard as I can, and my legs feel like they can't go any faster. Shannon (my running partner on race day) claims she was able to run three miles in 30 minutes this week, although she felt like she was going to pass out. So I think together we should be able to push ourselves. I am really appreciative to Brandy though, because I don't think I would make myself get out there and do this without her.
I had a stressful week at work. I have worked the last seven days in a row, and finally I have a three day weekend. Still, I managed to workout six hours since Monday. I was going to go to Butts n' Guts last night but I decided that I needed a day off, plus with this race training I have been pretty sore the last few weeks. I didn't need even more muscles holding me back. I am finally feeling a little less stressed. I hope to have a nice healthy weekend. If I get to bed now, I can get up early and go to spinning. We'll see. Otherwise, I'll head over to Gold's and run some intervals and lift some weights.