I had a one pound loss this week. I'm back to that dreaded 13 pound mark. But still, a loss! And I only worked out 4 hours. Honestly I thought that it would be a little lower. I ate really well all week (except for margaritas/
mexican on Monday) and just felt lighter. Don't ask me to explain that. I can't help but feeling like I could have lost more if I had gone to the gym a few more hours. Still, it seems logical that if I had worked out last night after work I would have come home and eaten a snack (probably a fattening one) instead of just watching the baseball game and reading a book. I also need to take into account that working out makes me feel better about myself. If I skip the gym I feel depressed and sad and worthless so that benefit can't be overlooked. But what portion of that is guilt? It's hard to "let" myself skip the gym.
My goal for this week is to attend Spinning and
BodyPower twice. I am dog-sitting on Thursday so if it is not raining, I hope to run/walk with Hannah. Besides that I will see how I am feeling. It seems really freeing not to have to cram an hour workout into each day. Especially because I am in the middle of a seven-day work stretch. But if the scale starts moving up, or a hint of depression sets in, I need to get back to the gym.
I want
everyone's opinion: is it logical that I could lose more weight by cutting back on the
It's hard to tell. It could be a mental thing like you said before, where you tend to eat more when you work out more. I know I do that. I see the workouts as an excuse to eat somewhat worse than normal.
Exercise does increase seratonin levels, so by not exercising you can develop the blues. Plus, sometimes I feel guilty for not treating my body well by skipping workouts. If that makes any sense!
Well, I don't work out at all, so that isn't the way to lose weight. But maybe 7 hours a week is too much. I'd say try it longer and see - you can always go back! But since you're just doing an experiment, you aren't allowed to second guess the outcome - like the if only I had worked out more. Plus, you do intense workouts so 4 hours for you is like more than that for most people.
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